TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘毅
Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你在大学里学的是多项课程还是专项的?你觉得学校的课程安排合理吗?为什么?
回答: As a undergraduate student, many courses are required in my college. Many of them refer to different subjects and only a few of them are specialize in my major. I think this is the best way for course offering. Courses in different subjects can help student find there interest and give them opportunity to get a broad vision. Some courses about major can make students more excellent in their major.
2. 学多个专业的课程对学生有哪些提高?
回答: Take classes in many subjects can give students more choices. Knowledge in different subjects helps students find their truely interest and makes them superior than those who just study classes in one subjest when founding a job. One of my best friends, XiaoMing, whose major is english get the job of IBM after graduate just because he had taken many classes about computer.
3. 只学一个专业对学生有什么好处?
回答: Specialize in one subject makes students outstanding in their own major. The time is limited. If a students whose major is computer science take many classes about art, music, or history, how can he be excellent in her own major? My friend Anna, take many classes about english, but her major is mathematics. As a result, she could not get a higher score in exams than me, a students study in department of engineering physics
4. 你有没有选修过跟你专业相差比较远的课程?你觉得这对你学习本专业有帮助吗?
回答: Yes, I had ever taken a class about philosophy. Although my major is engineering physics, but the knowledge I had learned from that philosophy class helps me a lot. Last year, I was working on a project and some problems stopped my foreward steps. Finally, the mode of thinking I had been trained in class made me figure it out.
5. 站在社会的角度上,哪种学校培养出来的学生更具有适用性?为什么?
回答: Two kinds of students are all necessary for society. The students who know knowedge in many subjects are more suitable to be a leader. because they know every aspects of projects and can deal with different employee in various deparment. Just like my teacher had said “you should know every aspects about the project,that is the first step to be a leader” On the other way, many students who are outstanding in their own field can make a company superior than any other adversaries. For instance, ....
Universities that require their students to take classes in many subjects offer a very different educational experience from the universities that encourage specialization. Some students in the former are complaining that they have to take many classes in the subjects in which they are not interested, in contrast, the student in the latter always suffer from tedious life about learning. So, should students be required to take classes in many subjects or to specialize in one subject? The one who hold the idea that university ought to force students take classes in many subjects believe it is unalterable principle because the society is complex and variable. With simply one kind of skills or knowledge, the risk of losing job is higher on an average. Take an extreme case, a guy who works in finance have no advantages in any other aspects. With a finance crisis, he is very likely to be a vagrant. However, if he is versatile, he will get more opportunities. He can be a translator with fluent English, a driver with a driver license and even a plumber with some engineering skills. Additionally, knowledge in different subjects is not disconnected and every sort of knowledge may be helpful. Many outstanding physicists said that they were actually thinking about philosophy problems when dealing with some hard problems in physics. And Steve Jobs also said that without taking calligraphy class he could never design so many beautiful fonts which we use today not only in Apple but also in Microsoft products.These arguments seem convincing but, on the other hand, the people who persist that specialization is better are deprecatingly. As their views, admittedly, taking classes in different subjects can make students versatile but, actually, the student just know something instead of really understanding where it comes from. The depth of knowledge can only be given by specialized education. As a result, the depth of knowledge brings people stability in their career. Just like the guy who was mentioned above. If he is an expert in finance, a fool employer will fire him because without experts the only thing can be relied is fortune in a real crisis. What’s more, specialization also makes people easier to success because it can give students a chance to do what they really want. Interesting is the strongest stimulant. A student can work day and night in the subject he likes but sleep on classes that he dislikes. And in 2005, the commencement address of Stanford, Steve Jobs said that the most important thing is the courage to follow your heart and intuition, everything else is secondary. In my own opinion, both these two kinds of education have advantages and limitations. The best way is not to choose one from them but to combine them. As the knowledge in different subjects gives students more choices and can be useful in the future, it is the foundation of specialization. For freshmen and sophomores, few of them really know their true interesting and do well in basic mathematics or physics. It is suitable to force them take different classes. But for a junior or a senior, with enough basic knowledge and clear self-perception, specification education is best way to move farther.
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