GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wuyiwei
Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
1. 请列举两个你认为成功的教育年轻人的事例,并分析事例中如何指导年轻人去建立目标的,并分析建立了什么样的目标。
回答: 苹果的jobs,活着就是为了改变世界,它没有上过正式的大学,学习过正式的计算机课程,但是他总讲眼光看得很远,给自己更多的使命,让自己做真正能够改变世界的事情。开创了智能手机时代和平板电脑时代。Jeremy Lin: graduated from Harvard University with an ecomonics major, Lin does not choose to work in a chamber in the Wall Street and take a high-paid and promising job as most of the economics major graduates dream to do. Rather, he insists on his goal since the childhood--to play in the NBA. Success lies in following what your heart tells you to do with no regards of what others usually do. Her mother allowed him to play the ball and did not push him to acadamic works as most of Asian mothers would do, because she believed what only the God and your heart can tell the right thing to do, and the public judgement may, more or less, weaken your independent will and make you live an ordinary life. If you want to play in NBA hard enough, then fight for it
2. 对“长远并现实的目标”的追求会给年轻人带来哪些影响?(可从影响的正负面以及直接和间接影响角度分析)
回答: 建立长远现实的目标:1)helpful for young to achieve ture greatnest.2)to overcome great difficulties3)important for the well being of whole society同时带来的问题有:长远的目标需要有正确价值观的引导,他们缺乏经验的人生阅历不能保证树立远大的理想不会让他们走弯路,其次年轻人乐于探索,乐于尝试,让他们长期坚持一个目标施行起来有困难
3. 对“眼前的声望名誉”的追求会给年轻人带来哪些影响?(可从影响的正负面以及直接和间接影响角度分析)
回答: 追求眼前的声誉和名望,对年轻人来说更现实,让他们能够及时行乐,做更多自己想做的事情,1.可以带来骄傲等负面情绪,可能会停滞不前。2.声望和名誉可能带来负面的评价以及新闻,给生活带来压力。 反面例子 1 罗比尼奥 未准备好 结构 沉溺于 酒精和夜生活中 Robinho, who is once regarded the next leader of the soccer team of Brazil, the once talented teenager, couldn't resist the fame and high pay, started his career in Europe, the center of professional soccer, when his will and physical condition are both not ready. Addicted to alcohol and nightlife in Europe, the talent has now become just a common player, way far from what is expected
4. “长远并现实的目标”和“眼前的声望名誉”之间存在哪些关系?请举例并简述。
回答: 长远可实现的目标和眼前的东西可能并不冲突矛盾,实现一个长远的达到东西,都是一个一个小的成就积累起来的,通过一个一个小的成就可能就可以获得眼前的声望名誉,然后通过不断的积累和不懈的努力实现自己长远并现实的目标。学生在大学期间不断取得好的成绩,在工作中积累更多的经验和人脉,然后实现自己更远大的,改变世界的梦想。they can be unified. To get the immediate fame and recognation is the first step to achive the long-term goal. eg.Kobe Bryant, the 1997 high school student, chose to go to NBA and played the All-Star game in the sophomore year. Those instant success made him more confident and hard-working to become the best in NBA, the long-term goal
5. 在哪些环境下“长远并现实的目标”更有利于年轻人的发展,在哪些环境下“眼前的声望名誉”又更有意义?请举例并简述。
回答: Both of the choices may lead to success or failure. There is no absolute answer for that dilemma: (1) follow your will and heart, ask what you truly want. Jeremy Lin. (2) people are getting realistic american dream ----to seize oppourtunity
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