TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:xiaoyue013
【IBT机经-25】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People are now easier to become educated than in the past?
1. 如今的时代特点是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: Nowadays, on one hand,we get information more easily. In the past, we could get news only by newspaper. On the contrary, now we can know things by Google, Twitter, Facebook and so on. But on the other hand, it is more difficult for us get information that we need because the information increase quickly. Everyday millions of new webpages, Twitter messages and emails are created,but most of the information has nothing to do with us. When we try to find something, we need to find one piece of information from the huge pool.
2. 过去的社会大背景是什么?它对教育有什么影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: In the past, it was an agricultural society and people did not need much knowledge to do their farm activities. Contrary to the costs, the benefits of education were small in that time. People who studied in the school needed to pay for the teachers and spend time to study, but what they learned might not increase agricultural products.
3. 哪些特点使受教育变得更容易了?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: Internet. Last year, I attended an online course about English learning. By the internet, I did not have to go to the place where the teacher was. Besides, I could review the course more easily. After the course, I could watch the video of that course when I countered a problem.
4. 哪些特点增加了受教育的难度?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: There are many new things happened everyday and people are easily to be attracted by these things. So when a person decides to learn something new, concentration become difficult. Children could take phones to their school and they might play phones instead of learning in the classes.
5. 如果让你选择,你会选择在当代接受教育还是选择穿越回过去接受教育?请结合具体事例说明你的理由。
回答: I prefer to be educated in contemporary. New technologies, more knowledge
In China, there is a hot TV show, Chinese character dictation competition, testing people whether they can write the character correctly.  And it is surprise that many Chinese people could not write characters correctly. This phenomena leads a huge debate whether people are well educated  nowadays. Many people think that they are more difficult to become educated than in the past. But in my view, we receive education more easily than in the past.
First of all, it is more convenience for us to learn. In the past, we could only receive education in the school, but now we could study wherever and whenever we want to study. We could study on our way to work by our phones. Also, it is easier for people who have jobs to go to university. Last year, my father finished his university courses by internet.  In the past, it would be difficult for my father to realize his dream because he needed to learned in the campus. 
Second, new technologies help people to understand things better than in the past. Now we can use photos and videos in our classes which would give us a direct impression of things. For example, when we learn a new place in our geography class, we could use Google Street View to have a look of the place. By this way, we can understand the conditions of the place better. New technologies also help us to learn a new langue. Talking with a native speaker by internet always make us have a good sense of the new langue.
Last but not least, people now learn more knowledge than in the past. The first reason is that the information spread quickly and openly nowadays. So we can always study without limitation and  upgrade our knowledge . The second reason is that there are new methods to help people to remember things quickly because of the development of philosophy. As we know, it is better for us to review learned articles by a certain plan than casually. 
Although people are now easier to learn than in the past, we also need to avoid the disadvantages of education in contemporary society. As I mentioned in the beginning, people may forget how to write characters if we rely computers too much. Besides, new technologies make less concentration which is harmful to study. 
In conclusion, people become educated more easily than in the past and people will receive better education if we could solves problems in today's education.  
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