TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:RENO
【IBT机经-13】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, using e-mail or text messaging is better than using telephone or voice-messaging.
题目非常贴近人们的日常生活,因而和题目相关的例子不在少数。题目的前提条件是讨论有争议的问题,所以要围绕这件事情的特点来展开,破题的关键在于将题目拆分成三个小单元“upsetting or controversial problems(令人讨厌的或有争议的问题)”、“e-mail or text messaging(发送电子邮件或发短信)”“telephone or voice messaging(打电话或发送语音信息)”,讨论每个小单元的典型特点,加以联系即可。
1. 一般情况下,人们进行讨论会采取哪些方式,请结合具体事例分别说明?如果是你,你会采用题目中涉及到的一些方式来进行讨论吗,为什么?
回答: 当面讨论,电话讨论,或者网上讨论,通常如果是一些比较重要的问题,我总会当面讨论。
2. 令人讨厌的和有争议的问题有什么特点?请结合实际简述。
回答: 人们总是不太愿意面对它,比如有其他国家的人到我们国家来旅行,而他们因为文化或历史因素而被受歧视,这些涉及种族歧视的问题,人们都大多不愿意面对。
3. 人们一般讨论上述问题的时候会出现哪些情况?请结合实际简述,如果是你在讨论这种问题,你会选择哪种方式?你会选择上述之外的方式吗,请具体说明?
回答: 会让别人生气窘迫不安,有可能会留给别人一个坏的印象,比如以前我在上大学的时候,一位男同学因为涉及到性骚扰的话题而被女生们讨厌,之后他又想给别人当面道歉,但是当他当面道歉提起性骚扰的问题时,使女生们更尴尬和不安了。
4. 电子邮件和发短信有哪些特点?我们一般用它来解决什么问题?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 不需要当面交流,可以避免别人的眼神,而且可以避免尴尬的情况,比如我以前一个男生给一个女生表白,被拒绝后,他害怕以后女生见到他会不安,所以他就选择给她发短信,希望能够继续是朋友,女生受到短信之后并没有感到不安,就继续与男生保持好朋友关系了。
5. 打电话和发语音信息有哪些特点?这种方式用来讨论题目中的问题合适吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 能让别人听到自己的声音,会有一种协商的感觉,这样会更有说服力,却可能依旧会让人感到尴尬。
在21世纪之后,随着科技的进步,人们有了与以前不一样的沟通方式,其中就有手机与上网。更多的沟通方式意味着人们在面对会让人讨厌窘迫,或者有争议问题的时候可以不用面对面的讨论问题。After the beginning of the 21th century,with the more sophisticated technology,people have different communication ways comparing to past,phone and Internet are two of them.More communication ways meanpeople do not always deal with upsetting or controversial topics face to face.In my point of view,comparing talking upsetting or controversial topics via phone or voice message,text message or e-mail can reduce the embarrassment and calm each other.So I think text message and e-mail are better way than phone or voice message. 第一,讨论让人沮丧的问题得时候常常会让别人感到窘迫,这样的窘迫有可能会让话题更难进行下去,使得你原本是想解决什么具体问题的时候却不能解决,比如以前在我大学的时候,一个男生因为在聚会总讨论性骚扰的问题而被女生们讨厌,他随后想道歉,但是他又选择了打电话道歉,可是当女生听到了他的声音,就因为讨厌他的情绪而挂掉电话,使得他道歉没有成功。It is generally known that people will feel uneasy when talking about upsetting or controversial topics,usually the embarrassment impede continuing talking,make you fail in dealing with something.When I was still in college,there was a man hated by girls because of talking about sexual harassment.After the party,he wants to apologize via phoning to them,however,many girls heard his voice the sick feel make those girls hang up at once.Making his apologize to be unsuccessful.第二,发短信与email会使人感觉到轻松,会有一种与我聊天的那个人并不是让我upset或者窘迫的人,这样的感觉会让人感觉轻松使得交谈可以顺利完成。以前我有一个外国朋友,在中国来旅游,当地人因为不熟悉他们国家的礼仪,刚他感到似乎有种族歧视,这样他就非常不舒服,但是,后来当地人通过给他发短信,解释了这一切,他就释然很多了。Reading e-main or text message will relax people,by reading,people will feel that the man who send the message is not the one who upset me.This kind of feel will finally enable them continue their communication not just impeding it.Once I had a foreign friends named Brett,who came to china for vacation.When he came to my hometown because locals were not familiar to foreign etiquette,made him feeling that he was racial discriminated  which make him really unhappy.However,the locals explained it via text message,he felt relief a lot.虽然发短信解决问题是个比打电话解决upset和controversial更有效的方式,但是我还是觉得当面解决问题才是最有效的,因为当面解决问题的时候,别人会感到你的诚意,从而消除对你负面的影响,我认为打电话和发短信都是不够有诚意的行为,在现实生活中,我都是尽量避免的。To be honest,while sending text message or email is a better way to deal with upsetting or controversial topics than via phoning or  sending voice-message,I think the most efficient way to deal with it is face-to-face communication.Admittedly,talking face-to-face may make people embarrass,but,while talking face-to-face,people will feel your sincerity and finally eliminate your negative impression.No matter sending text message or phoning is not sincere enough,in reality,I always try to face-to-face communicate.总的来说,相比于打电话,我会更倾向于发短信。但是如果能当面解决,我认为当面解决才是最好的办法。In a sum,comparing phoning or sending voice message,I'd like to sending message to talk about upsetting or controversial topics.But if I can talk to them face-to-face,I will not send message or phone definitely.
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