GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:ZHAO
Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them.
1. 何谓现代化?现代化都在哪些方面以何种方式改变了传统事物以及其价值?
回答: 科技的进步改变了人们的生活。信件、交通,骑马从交通方式变成了娱乐。
2. 在现代化趋势面前如果保持传统,会有什么弊端?
回答: inconvenience,落后。
3. 传统和现代化是完全对立的吗?有没有二者的共同基础?
回答: 不,价值观是一致的
4. 传统和现代化在哪些方面存在对立?现代化在哪些方面表现出了继承和发扬传统?
5. 人们有必要在二者之间做选择么?如果有必要,那么做选择标准应当如何确定?
With the fast development of science and techknowledge, modern society is becoming more and more different from the traditional one. The statement that tradition and modernization are incompatible and one must choose between them, however, is not accurate. In my opinion, while there are so many differences between tradition and modernization that one must make a choice, there are also some similarities between them that one should realize.
The modern lifestyle has become incompatible with the traditional one. For instance, the instant communication systems have brought people into a new time. Instead of waiting for weeks or even months for sending a letter, what one has to do is click on the "send" button, the mail will be into the other's mailbox within seconds. Again, instead of spending months on the voyage from America to England, one can reach his destination within hours due to the development of airplane. In addition, people used to watch operas for entertainment while today, there are much more choices available, such as movies, songs, surfing the Internet, and even driving. When it comes to the choice between tradition and modernization, only a few would prefer sending a mail by postmen to sending it by the Internet, and even fewer would prefer travelling by modern transportation tools like cars and airplanes to travelling on horses. Therefore, modern lifestyle is incompatible with the traditional one, and when making a choice, nearly everyone would choose the former.
However, when it comes to the concept of values, there is no such a big difference between tradition and modernization. Both ancestors and modern people share the same values. They all agree with the basic right of liberty, life and the pursuit of happiness. Moreover, both in the past and at present, the qualities like honesty and integrity are always cherished and respected. Again, both in the time of tradition and modernization, theft, robbery and killing are all considered sins. Thus, both in tradition and modernization, there are always some that will not change.
In sum, despite the incompatible aspects between tradition and modernization that one must choose from, theconcept of values no matter in tradition or modernization that all human beings share together will remain the same.
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