GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems.
1. 请举出一个你所在的或者你知道的大学在国际化方面做得不错的例子,比如国际交流,邀请国外教授讲座等。
回答: 南加州大学的国际生比例在全美排在前列。
2. 你认为大学的国际化具体表现在哪些方面?
回答: 虽然大学在某个国家,但教师和学生都应该是来自全世界各地的,和其他国家的学校合作也应该比较多。
3. 请举出一个你认为长期存在的社会问题,并简单阐述这个问题和国际化大学的关系。
回答: 环保问题。环保问题不是哪一个国家自己就能解决的,它需要全世界各国的合作。如果存在国际化大学的化,各国政府都可以对这所大学给于资金支持,同时这所学校里的老师和学生也都是各国对环保问题精通或感兴趣的老师或同学,这有助于问题的解决。
4. 长期存在的社会问题对国家会造成什么样的影响?请举例说明。
回答: 环保问题影响人们的日常生活和身体健康。例如环保问题严重可能会引起浓雾,最近的浓雾隆重莫斯科,给莫斯科居民的生活带来了很多不便,人们吸入太多浓雾会影响身体健康。
5. 不同国家是否存在类似的、长期存在的社会问题?如果是,解决方案是否可以互相借鉴?请举例说明。
回答: 存在这种问题,例如人口问题。印度可以借鉴中国的经验。
WORDS: 512          TIME: 00:49:55          DATE: 2/20/2011 8:22:04 PM
Our world exists many persistent social problems, such as environment problem and population problem. There is a need for cooperation like a global university to solve these persistent social problems. But such cooperation can not require the participation of all nations.
First of all, there is a huge surplus of persistent social problems which influent daily life in the world. These probelms display a wide divergence of factors, ranging from environment problems to crim problem to food problem and population problem. In this world that one country could hardly develop only with itself, single country can not solve these problems effectively. Environment problem present a revelant case for analysis. Environment problem has been becoming more and more serious after industry revolution. When the world enjoy the fruit of industry revolution, they also imposed kinds of measures to solve the environment problems. For example, scientists always try to research some new technology which can reduce the air pollution from cars. But one single country can not solve pollution effectively, because air pollution does not have national boundaries. So some global protocols are signed among countries, such as Kyoto Protocol, to solve air pollution and save our world from environment problems. Therefore, persistent social problems call for global cooperations.
Moreover, a global university is one type of global cooperations which are really needed. Persistent social problems faced by countries have many common points. A global university's students and teachers come from all nations and they could use these common points to solve problems of their own countries or global problems. For instances, many developing countries face population problem. Many populations cause pressure in life and burden in economy. India can use the experience of China to slove the population. And this communication call for a global university. Chinese teachers could teach knowledge and experience to India students and other students whose country has population problem. Or, India students can go to China to take some practice course. This direct teaching and education will be helpful for sloving persistent social problems in a global university. Another example involves water problem. Singapore which lacks water has an effective policy to solve water problem. Singapore's teahcer can teach their policy to other countries' students in a global university to solve gobal water crsis. Therefore, the world really need a global university to settle persistent social problems.
However, there is no need for all nations to help support the development of a global university. Because the world is consisted by developed countries, developing countries and destitute countries. Thoes developed countries and developing countries may have economy ability and people resource to develop a global university. These destitute countries even can not solve food problem in their own counry, not to mention the excess money and elites to support a global university. These destitute need the help of a global university, rather than give help to a global. Thus, there is no need for all nations to consist a global country.
All in all, majority countries should support the development of a global university to settle persistent social problems and help these destitute countries.  

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