GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.
1. 回忆一下自己的成长过程,你的生活条件如何?这种生活条件是否对你的成长造成了影响?如果是,具体阐述是什么影响,并举例说明。
回答: 生活条件慢慢变好,家中多了许多家电,方便了我们的生活,但是也造成了我们的懒惰。比如像有了洗衣机之后我们习惯了洗衣机洗衣服,但当停电之后,我们一般都会选择等着来电了用洗衣机洗,基本不会考虑自己洗。
2. 奢华和方便的生活会给人的独立性和能力培养提供什么好处?带来什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 好处:让人们接触到更多的信息, 坏处:人们习惯了方便的生活,可能不会过多的思考怎样让生活更便利。
3. 人的成长,尤其是个人能力和独立性,会受到哪些因素的影响?这些因素是否都和生活质量有关系?如果有,具体是什么关系?请举例说明。
回答: 我认为更多的是受到家庭和周围环境的影响。如果家庭有意培养孩子的个人能力和独立性,即使生活质量很好也会选择让孩子自己来。比如像,一个富有的家庭的孩子想出国读书,家长可以给孩子说,要靠自己的成绩拿到奖学金。
4. 比较贫困的生活会给人的独立性和能力培养带来什么好处?带来什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 好处:可以让孩子更早的独立 坏处:可能在一些方面,没有家长的刻意的锻炼。
WORDS: 566          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2/25/2011 8:02:36 PM
In a society with fast development, people's lives are becoming more and more luxurious and comvevient. And some dependences come out in these luxurious life, however, luxuries and conveniences do not mean to prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent.
First of all, it is no wonder that people have more and more dependences on luxuries and conveniences of comtemporary life. With the development of science, more and more adcanced technologies are fulfilled to help people aquire a luxurious and convenient lives. For instance, people use cars as their traffic tools insteal of walk. They can have a more rapid speed and convenient trip. Washing machines are used to take the place of people to wash clothing. And people can have a more leisure and convenient life than before. Moreover, the development of internet change the type of shopping. People can now buy almost everything from internet at home. They do not have to go shopping in street and the process of buying is becoming more and more luxurious and convenient.
Moreover, more dependences derive from these advanced technologies and people may have problem from developing into truly strong and independent individuals. For example, if washing machines have problem to wash clothing, people may choose to not to wash clothing until washing machines is good. Many people even do not know how to wash clothing by their hands. People who can not even get down their own clothing can not be a strong and independent individuals. People's laziness come from washing machines made people become weak and dependent individuals. Therefore, in luxuries and conveniences of comtemporary life, some people become weak and dependent individuals.
However, are the weak and dependent individuals come from the luxuries and conveniences of comtemporary life? In fact, the true reason is people themselves. Even in this luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life, people can make choose by themselves. For example, people can choose to wash clothing by themslves when machine has problems. People can choose to learn how to wash clothing when machine is still good. People can choose to go shopping when the internet does not work. And they also can choose to learn how to go shopping when the internet is still good. The right of choice is sized in people's hands. The true reason why people can not become a strong and independent individuals is their own choice. Education presents a relevant case for analysis. Many families have enough money to bring up their children with the condition that children need not work. And many wealth children come from this situaltion. They are so weak and dependent that they almost can not do anything by themselves. But there are also a huge surplus of families choose to bring their children into truly strong and independent individuals. These familes generally let their children learn how to live instead of preparing everything for them. For example, they will not offer money to their children in university. In this way, children can learn how to raise themselves and become a strong and independent individuals. Therefore, weather people can develop into truly strong and independent individuals depend on people's choice. 
All in all, although laziness and dependent may come in the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life, the true reason is people's choice rather than the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life.
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