GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.
1. 你印象中的重大历史事件有哪些?这些事件中有哪些人给你的印象特别深刻?他们都起到了怎样的作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 二次世界大战、抗日战争、改革开发、独立战争 领导人给人的印象特别深刻 领导人对观察实时局势,做出判断,指挥大众执行命令 例如,二次大战中的希特勒指挥德国军队横扫欧洲;二次大战中的斯大林、罗斯福和丘吉尔联合组成盟军将希特勒打回德国。
2. 历史研究是否过度强调个人的作用?如果是,是什么原因导致的?会有什么后果?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 是 人们总是习惯记住具有领导力和最有特征的人或者事情 结果是人们一般情况下忘记了领导人身边的重要人物,以及执行计划的人民大众 例如,二次大战初期,人们知识牢牢记住的希特勒的指挥得当。人们一般不会了解他身边的戈林:他既是德国法西政治、经济与军事的首脑,也是制定奴役劳工计划、镇压残杀犹太人和其他种族的主谋
3. forgotten groups是否直接或者间接参与了创造历史的进程?如果forgotten groups参与了创造历史的进程,那么对于这些事关历史进程中的重大事件,在哪些方面他们的贡献比较突出?贡献程度如何?可结合具体事例简述。
回答: 直接参与了创造历史的进程。 执行领导着的战术或者意图,有时候甚至会牺牲生命。 例如,二次大战的时候有德国突飞猛进席卷欧洲的时候,有多少德国士兵丧失于战争。
4. Famous few对历史有哪些直接或者间接的影响?他们对于这些事关历史进程中的重大事件,在哪些方面他们的贡献比较突出?贡献程度如何?可结合具体事例简述。
回答: 直接的影响,他们全面考虑局势的变化,制定出相应的政策。贡献程度很深入。 二次大战的时候没有斯大林、罗斯福和丘吉尔对战争整体局势的把握,可能盟军就不能取得最后的胜利。
5. forgotten groups和famous few之间的存在着什么关系?
回答: famous few 对全局进行把握,制定出相应的政策,forgotten或者辅佐famous few或者执行famous few命令或者部署
I believe the study of history really places too much emphasis on individuals and individuals are overrated today. We should increase the value placed on groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten. Because just like the famous few, groups of people also wrote history. Many famous few may be needed the study of history, but not to overshadow groups of people.
First of all, I believe that the study of history overrate individuals today. In many instances, people are liable to remember the most famous individuals in history. The most probably reason is that the most famous individuals prove a personality success. They are seen by people as a symbol of history because they have great features which involve insight of the situation, sound judgement as well as the capability of command. For instances, the study of history emphasis the role that Hitler playing in Germany in World War 2. The study of history emphasis the roles that Stalin, Roosevelt, and Church playing in allied forces in World War 2.  Hitler had been known to handle troops to occupant Poland very rapid. Hitler was thought to be the most important person in World War 2. This is an excellent example of how famous individuals are emphasized. Individuals wrote history, but they are overstated.
I believe forgotten groups also wrote history. It is because the study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. Ordinal people find group of forgotten people difficult to access. At last forgotten people are really forgotten. Example of forgotten people whose brilliant is covered by famous few also involves World War 2. Almost everyone knows about Hitler, but few people know about Goring who was the commander in Chief of the Air Force and the Number Two man in German. He was the principal leaders of the Nazi Party. He established the Air Force of Third Reich. He was the leaders to rearmament and implement the wartime economy policy. He was very important, too. But he was forgotten by the study of history. Another example of forgotten people is the soldiers in wars. They implemented the order from the famous individuals and used their lives to fight for every inch of land. But after wars, the study of history remember the famous few while forgotten soldiers who formed the basis of the victory. These are two excellent examples of how groups people wrote history and were forgotten.
These are only three examples of why famous few are overrated and more study of history should focus on the forgotten groups. Famous few are so important that they can wrote history. But we shouldn't forgotten that groups of people form the basis of history.
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