TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:吴洪锐
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你觉得哪些属于要做重大决定的场合?
回答: career,law,revolution
2. 你通常是独自决定还是跟别人商讨后再做决定?为什么?
回答: 和比人商量,人多力量大,集思广益
3. 你认为什么时候适合独自做决定?独自作出重大决定的利弊是什么?
回答: 来不及和其他人商量的时候要自己做决定,利是较为果断,弊有时为武断
4. 什么时候适合请教他人帮忙做重大决定?利弊是什么?
回答: 他人是你信得过的人,而且有经验的人
It is widely acknowledged that people sometimes have to be confronted with the crossings in their life and determine which way to go. Meantime, whether an individual should accomplish his vital resolution by himself has sparked heated debate. Some people argue that in no way should a person carry out a crucial decision single-handedly. From my point of view, in terms of important decision, a person should take other’s advice into consideration and communicate with reliable people instead of determining alone.
 Decisions can be divided into two types. The first one may be that when someone faces one idea, he hesitates about putting it into practice and the other one is likely to be that a person is well-advised to make a selection among several or a host of choices. However, no matter which type happens, it is imperative for a person to absorb some constructive suggestion rather than insist on his own perspective without thinking about anyone’s idea.
 On one hand, there is no denying that both thoughts and experiences of one person are limited, so he has much possibility of making incorrect judgments about an important decision, especially in the age when the anxiety of residents increases gradually. As a result, the wrong decision, inevitably, exerts negative influence on the development of the future and sometimes even poses great threat to other people. Life abounds with such examples in almost every arena. Chairman Mao failed in evaluating the situation of China in the 1950s and initiated the Cultural Revolution which not only damaged his reputation but also breed considerably detrimental harm to the advancement of Chinese economy. The NBA star TRACY Mcgrady didn’t contact with the coach or the manager of the club “HOUSTON ROCKETS” and made bold to make a knee operation, which resulted in the disappointing achievements of the team as well as his departure after the season.
 On the other hand, the importance of other people’s positive proposition to someone who lacks rich experience and eagerly longs for success can never be ignored. As the pillars of the society in the future, adolescences shoulder the responsibility to render the country more and more prosperous. Honestly speaking, the key point for them to gain success is not passion but the appropriate guide and taking the chance to fulfill their value and potential. Hence, parents and schools behoove to afford the young mature advice which broadens their horizon and, if necessary, even replace them for making a significant decision. In contrast, if a youngster wasn’t provided an access to the right way and always depends on his own feeling to make up mind, he has a strong tendency to sink into the abysmal position of the society and even violate the law.
Though the advantages of taking other people’s advice can be notable, making an important decision alone may have some minor merits. For instance, if an individual makes an erroneous important decision by himself and fails, he may keep a fresh memory and avoid making the same mistake next time. Nevertheless, taking other people’s suggestion granted can carry more weight than making a decision alone.
In conclusion, it is listening to the desirable advice of others that brings about more benefit to a person than letting him make important decision alone. Only by considering other people’s advice can an individual have a closer access to the success.
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