TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:齐凡
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 描述一件你的父母对你的教育中你印象最深的事情,你从中得到了什么?
回答: 教育我要把英语学好,英语在现代社会是决定一个人成长极限的要素,不会英语将成为制约前进的最大瓶颈。
2. 描述一件你觉得你的父母说的不对的事情,为什么不对?
回答: 对于学习成绩的强调。评分体系的单一导致分数并不能代表一个人的实际能力,很多人尽管没有读哈佛耶鲁,但也取得了骄人的成就。人生是一个大舞台,应该在多方面展现自己。
3. 有没有一些事是你的父母不可能教给你的?例如如何完成数学作业。
回答: 有,例如一些具体的人生抉择,到底读博还是工作。随着年纪的增长和阅历的丰富,很多人对现代生活的适应已经超过了父母,父母的知识量和信息量可能已经不如我们了。
4. 除了父母,还有谁教过你道理和经验吗?描述一件具体的事例。
回答: 朋友,三人行必有我师。同学从来不上课,也不去图书馆,专心致志地炒股,研究股票,现在小有所成。可见术业有专攻,不应拘泥于世俗规范,只要找到了着力点,努力去做,一定能有收获
5. 你认为子女和父母之间的代沟可以用什么方法来解决呢?
回答: 相互学习,相互沟通,取长补短
It is easy to conclude that parents are good teachers in our life, nearly all of our behaviours and characters are effect by them. Subsequently, some people assert that parents are the best teachers in my life. I appreciate the knowledge and principle leared from my parents, but I'd rather declare the statement that parents are one of the best teachers in our life than what it is before.
There is no doubt that parents are the first teacher in my life. As the most close prople during our childhood, parents played a magical and omniscient role in children's eyes. Scientists have proved that the imitation of parents is one of the most essential part of socialization for children. However, things make change with the increase of age. We may leave our hometown for work, or go to another city for studying ,which leads the  connection between parents and us less and less. On the other hand, we would encounter many other significant persons in my life, such as wife, friends, boss and so on. Like Confucius, one of great man in China, said that at least one of the other two was good enough to be my teacher even if only three of us  walking together. There is a lot of things we can learn fron ithers ,no matter their success or failure. Besides, because of the difference background between parents and us, they can't give much advice to us as before.My father told me that you had been in a new field that we could not understand, so it was your turn to  take your responsibility to make decision for your own life, when I decide to study for master degree in Peking University. Growing up in different social situation, we have to get many other teachers in order to adapt  to this modern society.
Last but not least, we should confess that some parents who have bad custom may play a bad example to their children. Some  statistical data illustrate that young people in adults smoking family are prone to smoking eaaily. In this case, parents even cann't be regard as a good teacher. Because of the selfless love,  parent can help us a lot. But it is more smart to argue that parents are best benefactor ranther than best teacher for us.
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