TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lzz
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 描述一件你的父母对你的教育中你印象最深的事情,你从中得到了什么?
回答: 父亲教我写毛笔字,做一个沉稳的人
2. 描述一件你觉得你的父母说的不对的事情,为什么不对?
回答: 出国不靠谱,浪费钱,不如待在国内好。国外的教育更好,机会更多,对我的促进更大
3. 有没有一些事是你的父母不可能教给你的?例如如何完成数学作业。
回答: 职业的选择规划,人生的目标
4. 除了父母,还有谁教过你道理和经验吗?描述一件具体的事例。
回答: 老师,课堂常常讲一些段子,他的人生经验
5. 你认为子女和父母之间的代沟可以用什么方法来解决呢?
回答: 培养共同的兴趣,相互包容学习。
As there is a trend that more and more parents teach their children at home instead of sending them to school , the debate emerging from this phenomenon is that whether it is proper to state that parents are the best teachers? From my perspective, it is not so cautious to claim that parents are the best teachers.
Firstly, compared to the sophisticated education system of school, parents always seem not so professional as the teacher did, taking into account that school has existed and developed in society for hundreds of years. I do not merely mean that the professional knowledge parents possessed is less than teachers, but as a matter of fact they generally lack the regular study of other subjects which serve as the block of the whole system of teaching methods , such as subject on children psychology or related science on the development of their mental health. It is possible that parents could learn this knowledge, but my question is how? If they search this knowledge on Internet, and if they spend a huge money and time to achieve the level just as a normal school teacher has, then we may ask why don't they put their children to school ,probably the most advancing school, like MIT, Standford or Harvard? What's more, it would be unrealistic for them to squeeze time to do so many things that take a school teacher to learn for several years. Or some parents may say that they just teach their children depending on their personal experience. Well, that's the problem. Far from rare is the phenomenon that the so-called "parents personal experience" spoil children and contribute to their unbalancing development of mental health due to the parents own intuition and preference. Parents could not be omnipotent, they may be expert in their working realms but it doesn't mean that they are good at teaching children.The school's long existence make sense since it means less family burden for parents and children can learn each other during the life in school which cannot achieve at home, for example the sense of cooperation.
Secondly, in fact many parents are not fit for being the teachers due to their limited ability and time. How can we expect parents who are busy with work to be a good listener for their children? How can they provide comfort and appropriate guidance for the children in their short spare time? The answer is obvious. Today, the fact that our society get continue to work is based on the matter that people work in different realms without too much burden of family. Admittedly, family responsibility are important for the parents, especially for the children's education, however, we should make a balance between the work and family. Consequently, as I stated that education for children is not an easy job as parents might originally suppose, if parents someday really be the best teachers, it must be taking their large amount of worktime to focus their attention on the children's rocketingly increasing problems, but apparently they can't .Not only since the teacher in school is traditionally regarded as the best, but parents do not have the energy to play roles of both rising and teaching the children.
In sum, it is not proper to call the parents the best teacher due to their limitation and the advantages of sending children to school.
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