TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:史慧亮
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 描述一件你的父母对你的教育中你印象最深的事情,你从中得到了什么?
回答: 把作业等课后任务完成才能去玩。从中得到了两点:因为想玩的时间多一点,所以完成作业等任务时提高了效率;因为时间的充足,不像最后才做作业的人那么匆忙,增加了对知识的熟悉度,提高了运用所学知识的能力。
2. 描述一件你觉得你的父母说的不对的事情,为什么不对?
回答: 让我每天每时每刻几乎都要看书。因为人的注意力的集中是有一定的时间的,这期间学习效率比较高,应该学习。而当注意力无法集中,很疲惫的时候,学习效率很低,应该去做一些物理运动或其它放松的方式来消除自己的疲劳,让自己再次回到效率高的状态。总体来看,能使一天的总的学习效果得到提升
3. 有没有一些事是你的父母不可能教给你的?例如如何完成数学作业。
回答: 有啊!到了初高中后,所有的作业都已经超出他们的知识范围,已不可能在具体课程的学习上给予指导。
4. 除了父母,还有谁教过你道理和经验吗?描述一件具体的事例。
回答: 我的初中英语老师。在遇到这个老师前,我的英语成绩很差,但在我把我的寒假作业给他看了之后,他的总结让我恢复了对英语学习的信心,因为他认为我只是对一些重要的语法知识不够熟悉或理解不对,加以纠正和做一些针对练习就可以得到提高,事实上,一个月后,我的英语成绩就提高了大约20分/100分
5. 你认为子女和父母之间的代沟可以用什么方法来解决呢?
回答: 坦诚地交流和学习。父母应该去认识和了解子女所在年龄段的一些特点,善于去听取和支持,鼓励子女的观点和想法;子女应该多体谅父母的爱意,勇于说出自己的真实想法,学会更好地表达自己的观点,争取获得父母的理解和支持
There is a public discussion today about whether parents are best teachers. Some people argue that parents obviously are best teachers, but people who advocate the school teachers, on the other hand, argue that parents are not the best teachers. As far as I am concerned, parents are best teachers, because other people can teach us no more than our parents, not only about our studying, but also about our characteristics and morality.
There are a number of reasons for my appreciation parents for best teachers. First, parents can teach us many specific knowledge about our studying. My early studying experiences is filled with the examples of such help from my parents. For example, my mother taught me how to spell and how to use many words. And at the same time, my father taught me about these knowledge about mathematics, physics and chemistry. They also told me how to arrange the time schedule to improve my studying efficiency. For instance, they told me that I should not keep reading or studying all the day, but take a break for fun after reading or studying about one or two hours. This habit really help me to keep the best efficient when I am reading or studying.
Second, parents also will teach us much more about our characteristics and morality. According to a recent survey, it can be seen that most people think their parents have the most important influences on their characteristics and morality. For example, many people in the survey told us they learned the importance of saving water, respecting the old and cherishing the young from their parents, because their parents' behaviors are the best example.Moreover, many other people in this survey told us they learned that people should not fear failure, because their parents taught them keeping trying is the best way to success. Finally, a lot of parents gave a good example of making friends as many as they can, this can help their children have many friends for study and career.
When people appreciate the huge knowledge brought by their parents, isn't it necessary that they give some consideration to the aspects that their parents may be not able to teach them? For example, many parents could not teach their children at their high school about their homework or assignments, just because they really do not remember or understand these. In this case, the school teachers can give much more help, or their schoolmates can do the same thing.
Considering all the factors above, we may safely come to the conclusion that parents are best teachers, although parents may not be able to teach their children from elementary school to university.
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