GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable.
1. 判断一个目标是否值得都应当从哪些方面考虑?请举例并简述。
回答: 政治,经济,文化,道德等各方面。例如判断胚胎干细胞的研究是否值得的问题上,可以从预期的成果和道德的纠纷等方面判断。
2. 请结合某一具体情况和目标(比如:在学校考试得高分、在运动场上获得金牌等),尽可能全面的列举可以采用的各种方式。这些方式哪些是正规合理的,哪些不是?
回答: 在学校考试得高分为目标 正规合理的:可以上课认真听讲,课前预习课后复习,完成作业, 不正规的:通过各种渠道查出老师要考的题目,作弊,考试后走后门
3. 使用不合理方式取得成功的同时会有哪些潜在危害或损失?请举例并简述。(可以从对自己、对他人、直接影响、间接影响、短期影响、长远影响等角度考虑)
回答: 损害他人的利益,违反法律,危害道德。比如,通过作弊的方式取得好成绩,这违反了学习的规定,违背了考试的目的。经济利益的驱动下,克扣工人的工资,不给工人提供必要的保险。
4. 请列举因为尝试采用不正当方式去达到自己的目标造成对本人、团队、家庭、社会、国家造成负面影响的事例。
回答: 中国许多小煤矿的老板,为了赚更多的钱,不在矿窑中准备好必备的安全措施,工人的工作环境非常恶劣,每天冒着声明的危险上下班。
Although a goal is worth, some means taken to attain it may be not justifiable. Because any means involve reasonable means and unreasonable means. Unreasonable means which usually disobey rules of society and compromise others' interests even break law should not be considered because of harmful to society. 
First of all, moral conflicts may be sparked by inappropriate means in the process of reaching a goal. It is no wonder that there is a huge surplus of moral conflicts in the world, many of them involve scientific experiments. Embryonic stem cell presents a relevant case for analysis. Embryonic stem cell which is a kind of cell can solve many complex disease in the further. But opponent of Embryonic stem cell believe this kind of cell is actually one style of life and we can not save life through killing life. Because of this conflict between moral and science, the United States present a complex law to demonstrate that which experiment can be done and which can not. If scientists take a disputed experiments on Embryonic to attain a medicine goal, they may spark moral controversy even break the law. This is an excellent example of why people can not take any means to attain a goal.//第一个例子没有和论点(一些方式会引起道德冲突)有效的结合起来。
Secondly, other people's interests even life will be compromised by inappropriate means in the process of reaching a goal. A good example of this viewpoint involves many owners of coal mines in China. Workers in coal mines have a tough work environment with a small salary, their work is so dangerous that a lot of protection should be made to guard workers' lives. However, many coal mines do not have any protection for worker in oder to save cost. In fact, owners of coal mines get a large number of money. They cancel protections in coal mines for their self interest. Although owners of coal mines attain their goal to make a profit, their means endanger workers' lives even break the law. These illegal means should be forbidden to protect workers' lives. 
Another example of why some means are not justice involves milk. San Lu is a Chinese cooperation which produced dairy and milk. But this corporation filled some harmful materials in its product for a lower cost and a higher profits. Some children even lost their lives because of quality problems of San Lu's milk. Although San Lu reached their goal of a higher profit temporarily, its harmful means compromised other people's health and violated the relevant laws. These means should not be taken.
These are only two examples of why some means to attain a goal are not justifiable. Although we admire people who seek through various means to reach their goal, the precondition is that their used means should be reasonable.
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