GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Octopus
Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics.
本题讨论科技对习俗道德的作用,是大家经常犯一些典型错误的题目的,分析的时候应当注意:1、词义分析——social customs(behavioral expectations and cues within a society or group) and ethics(a set of moral issues or aspects (as rightness)),二者虽然彼此联系很紧密,但是在分析的时也要注意其中的区别,不少同学经常偏向某一方面去论述而忽视了另一点。同时,影响与决定的区别也要弄清。2、选取例子——克隆、安乐死、堕胎等等已经被用滥了,这个题目因为和习俗与道德有关,讨论范围很广,有很多事例是可以使用。3、逻辑方向——要注意题目在讨论科技对习俗道德的影响,是单向的。虽然可以引入道德习俗对科技的反作用,但这不能作为论述的主体部分,否则就把逻辑方向弄反了。4、深入思考——可以引入“人才是决定因素”的论点,但是要避免假大空的言论,一定要言之有物。
1. 研发科学技术的目的是什么?在科技方面都有过哪些著名成果?这些成果对伦理道德有哪些方面的影响,是如何影响的?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 克隆技术的研制成功,引发了一场关于人类伦理的思考。计算机革命,使得人们改变了传统的生活方式,变成了孤立、冷漠的个体。
2. 科技和伦理道德之间有过合作或冲突么?如果有,请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 有合作。科技永远制约于道德伦理,比如,生化武器的研究。科技又反过来促进引发道德伦理的思考,比如生化武器的研究引发了关于伦理的思考。
3. 作为一个事物的决定因素,需要具有哪些不可替代的特性?对于社会习俗道德,科技是否具有这些特性?
回答: 科技不具有。科技不能够决定伦理道德,只有科技,人类会彷徨迷惑,是人文指引了我们前进的道路,指引了科技的走向。
4. 社会习俗和伦理道德最初是怎样形成的?都有哪些因素会影响习俗道德?
回答: 通过宗教、法律、社会阶级斗争等制约。
5. 如果没有了科技的影响,社会习俗和伦理道德会和现在有很大不同么?如果没有,为什么;如果有,会展现在哪些方面?
回答: 会有很大不同。没有了科技的发展,人类对自己的存在意义只能够停留在初步的了解。
Every technological revolution, instills in our sociey fresh blood and virgor energy, and at the same time, some pitfalls. It is our ethics and humanity as restraints that prevent us going on an dangerous, aberrant way--That means, it is ethics all along determines our scientific and technological activities, but not the opposite case.
The rapid development of science and technology, which exerts great influence on our living styles, does obviously change our views towards ethics and social customs. When some significant discoveries and inventions, such as vehicles and the computers, set us apart from the traditional habits for transportation and customs for communication, our attitudes toward this society and this universe are meanwhile dramatically shirfted; what we thought impossible or ridiculous before begin to seem to be logically and practically rational. We no longer need to write letters and send them and spend several days waiting for the replies; the Internet has significantly fasilitate our communication with the greatest of ease. We need not to concern about the amazing distance between two continents; the ships and planes have already integrate every corner of this earth into one world. Thus, what we focus and care, are completely diverged with the tradition, concommitant with the tempo of the rapid, day-to-day change of this world.
Ironically, when technology serves as impetus to drive our society into a set of thrusts, it pushes us to an edge of ethical cliff. We are close to danger, suffering and reprehending the pains brough about by technology. Fortunately, the humanity, which persistently represents our most internal, noble and humane emotion, saves us from plenty of possible disasters. When bio-chemical weapons are first used over this world, far-sighted critics and scholars give desperate and severe reprehensions, pinpointing that such a manner is belied to the most basic value of a so-called human. While the clone technology tends to be mature and safe, no government has the will to test it on mankind, for this will draw widely and heavlily protests and what is more, it will make us confused about who we are, questioning our own identities. The technology, never determines our ethics. Alhough a man seemed to be vulnerable in front of a machine, he can never be defeated. The humanity. the basic and pure values or internal emotions of our own, force us to restrain the probably detrimental effects of technology, and thus control our own behavior.
Although dangerous it may be from the perspective of ethics, the technology, however, helps us to define who we are and to provide a more rational, logical set of methodology to expain our existence. During the primitive sociey, people are confused and often threatened by the nature, thus religion, superstition, and legends of deity and evil were thereby fostered to seek for a psycological reliance which originates from the strong desire to survive. It is scientific and technological progresses that tell us the true essence of some certain phenomenons, which were used to widely believed to be brought about by the gods. Through such a process, our social customs, our attitudes toward this universe, tend to be more rational. The science and technology all along influence and revises our existing social values and ideologies to turn them into a more suitable, scientific state.
Maybe we have benifited a lot from technology. Yet, we benefit more from ethics and humanity. While technology serves as impetus to drive us toward our goals, it is our ethics that make sure we are running into the right direction.
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