GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge.
1. 在学术和专业领域想象力和知识各是什么角色?试分析一两个以下学术领域中的情况( 历史 | 语言 | 文学 | 表演 | 哲学 | 宗教 | 建筑学 | 经济学 | 地理 | 政治 | 心理学 | 社会学 | 生命科学 | 化学 | 物理 | 电脑科学 | 数学 | 农业 | 经济 | 教育 | 工程 | 环境 | 法律 | 军事 | 传媒 )
回答: 数学中,知识比想象力更重要,虽然在做各种几何证明题的时候可能需要,学生要有一定的空间想象力,但是数学强调的还是对基本知识的掌握和严密的推理能力。 艺术中,想象力比知识更重要,虽然基础知识是艺术家创作的基础,但是想象力是是否有水平的关键,例如周杰伦的范特西。
2. 如果只有知识而没有想象力会有什么后果?请举例并简述。
回答: 会比较死板,严格按照知识来,同时可能不能随机应变的处理问题。例如,音乐学家,只会基本的音乐知识,没有想象力,无法创作杰出的音乐。
3. 如果仅仅有想象力却不具备知识又会怎样?
回答: 可能连基本的输出能力都没有了。例如,建筑学家凭借出色的想象力,设计了一个出色的建筑。但是没有基本的知识,建筑根本无法建成。
4. 应当如何去判断想象力与知识的重要性?能否找到衡量或者对比的标准?如果能,请举例并简述;如果不能,请说明原因。
回答: 应该根据学科来判断想象力和知识的重要性。例如一些强调理性思维和推理能力的学科,数学、物理、化学等学科,知识更重要。 一些强调感性思维的学科,语文、写作、绘画等学科,想象力更重要。
WORDS: 458          TIME: 00:49:14          DATE: 2/18/2011 8:12:47 PM
Knowledge and imagination are both basic abilities for people to learn. And have you ever thought which of them is the one that is more important than the other. The answer may depend on the professions. In professions which emphasize logic and deduction, knowledge is more important. But in professions which emphasize emotion, imagiantion is more important.
First of all, knowledge is more important than imagination in academic fields which emphasis logic and deduction. These subjects come in a variety of factors, ranging from math to physics to chemistry and computer sicence. Because these subjects depend on basic knowledge to solve problem. For example, when we try to solve math problem, we need to use kinds of basic knowledge to find the answer. Altough some geometry questions require imagination to create picture of problem, this requirement is less important. Because if no konwledge is offered to this question, people still do not know how to solve this geometry. Then there is no use to imagine picture without knowledge. Additionlly, this imagination required by geometry is so simply that almost every people could create it. The same situation happened in physics, physics problem also need to draw a picture to help understand question. But drawed picture is so simple that physics knowledge is the key to solve problem. Therefore, in thses profession that require logic and deduction, knowledge is more important than imagination.
On the other hand, imagination is more important than knowledge in professions which emphsize emotion. These subjects display a wide divergence of factors, involving literature, music, painting and sculpture. Because these subjects emphasize to express personal emotion and imagination is necessary for this exampression. Zhou Jielun presents a relevant case for analysis. Zhou Jielun is the most popular Chinese singer. His popularity come from his fantasy music style and his imagination. This imagination help him become a unique singer and express emotion touched heat of audience. Although without knowledge of music, Zhou Jielun can not write any song. he can not be popular just with knowledge. And what people like to listen is Zhou's imagination and fantasy style. In this case, imagination is more significant than knowledge. 
Another example of when imagination is more important involves literature. One of reasons why one literature can be popular is that it can attract reader into literature. And imagination is the key to attract readers. For example, novel Herry Potty which has a beautiful imagination for magic world is one of the most popular fictions in the world. Its popularity proved that imagination is more important thant konwledge in these professions that require to express emotion.
All in all, imagination and knowledge are both basic attribution of profession. The question that which is more important depends on professions. Those required logic need knowledge more, and those required emotion need imagination more.
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