GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated.
1. 现代社会有哪些行为是被法律允许但却会受到道德谴责许?有哪些被法律禁止但道德却认同?
回答: 堕胎,被法律允许,但是受到道德的谴责 同性恋结婚,在有些地区被法律禁止,但是得到却认同 胚胎干细胞的实验,在法律上有时候被允许,有时候被禁止,同时道德上也被受争议。
2. 法律解决了哪些社会问题?是如何解决的?是哪些因素引起并影响着这些社会问题?
回答: 在中国允许堕胎,但是这种情况在欧美存在很大的争议,有些国家有法律禁止。 美国联邦最高法院承认妇女的“堕胎权”,受到宪法隐私权的保护。但对于堕胎权的限制应采取“严格审查”标准,并提出“三阶段标准”。 1 在妊娠头三个月(第1到第12周),堕胎危险性小于正常分娩,政府没有必要为了保护孕妇健康而限制堕胎,胎儿也 不具有体外存活性(viability),所以医生与孕妇磋商之后,可以自行决定是否堕胎,不受法令限制; 2 在妊娠头三个月之后、胎儿具有母体外存活 性之前,堕胎危险性增加,政府得以保护孕妇健康为目的而限制堕胎,但是,限制手段只能以保护孕妇健康为必要; 3 在胎儿具有母体外存活性(第24到28 周)之后,政府保护潜在生命的利益达到了不可抗拒利益的程度,因而政府可以禁止堕胎。 虽然规定的这么详细,但是堕胎还是遭到了大部分人的反对。 有关生命和人权的问题,会引起社会的争论。
3. 人类的道德规范都有哪些表现形式?会被哪些因素影响?是否可被改变?
回答: 风俗习惯,人权, 会被思想程度,法律规定等影响。 可以改变,同性恋结婚的问题以前受到了很多人的反对,最近接受的人越来越多。
4. 法律是如何发挥其作用的(可从现实以及心理两方面考虑)?
回答: 对一些存在争议的问题,强制规定处理方式,并对违反法律的当事人采取必要的法律措施。
5. 现代社会中法律和道德行为的关系是怎样的?
回答: 法律维护道德的存在,同时道德影响法律。
WORDS: 543          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2/26/2011 2:48:27 PM
It is no wonder that laws and the legal system can not solve many problems of modern society. However, laws and the legal system have already solved some moral problems and more and more moral problems will be settled by laws and the legal system.
First of all, a huge surplus of problems have not been solved by laws and the legal system. These problems mainly focus on moral behavior and exist in everyday's modern society. For example, the problem of jumping the queue troubles people everyday. Some people who want convenience of themselves will jump the queue. And this immoral behavior will compromise the convenience of other people who are in queue according order. And if majority of people do not stand in a queue in modern society, disarray will happen. The problem of jumping queue can only be restrained by morality, because the frequence of jumping queue is so high that laws and the legal system do not have much time to deal with. Another immoral problem that laws and the legal system can not deal with effectively involves the respect to teacher. It is no wonder that students should show respect to their teachers. However, more and more students do not have respect to their teachers because of lacking of such moral education. This lack come from that people place too many attentions on material and do not give normal education about respect to teachers to their children. Laws and the legal system can not deal with such behavior effectively, because this lacking of respect do not disobey any laws. And such phenomenon is frequent and not harmful, if laws try solve these problems, the efficiency of laws will be influented. //说明原因,为什么一些问题法律不能解决,因为危害性比较小+繁多,如果法律解决的话就会影响法律的效率,同时这段把过多的叙述放在了为什么人们会产生这样的不道德的行为。
However, there are also many moral behavior can be deal with laws and the legal system. Because these moral behavior is so dangerous that they will compromise other's lives without laws to restrain them. Laws in the sea present a relevant case for analysis. People may be dangerous when their boat broken in the sea without help. And sea is often so large that people can hardly get help from other boats. Laws in the sea rule that any other boats should help people whose boat has problem in sea. If other boats do not offer help to the broken boat, they will be published by laws and the legal system. In this way, laws can save people's life in sea. And people will have more safety when they go out by boat in sea. Another problem of how laws restrain moral behavior involves embryonic stem cell. Experiment in embryonic stem cell because some people believe embryonic stem cell is one kind of life. And people can not do experiment by kill other people's life. In oder to ensure safety on experiment in embryonic stem cell. The United states present a complex laws to legislate which behavior can be done on embryonic and which behavior will be punished by laws. And this complex laws guarantee a sucessful and appropriate experiment on embryonic stem cell without disputation and immoral behavior.
All in all, although there is a huge surplus behaviors can not be deal with laws effective, many immoral behaviors that will danger people's lives have been appropriate restrained by laws and the legal system.
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