GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘一清
College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题可以借鉴老GRE的ISSUE34,90,201的内容:"ISSUE34 Instead of requiring students to take courses in a variety of disciplines—that is, courses ranging from the arts and the humanities to the physical and biological sciences—colleges and universities should allow students to enroll only in those courses that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields. Such concentration is necessary in today's increasingly workoriented society""ISSUE90 College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than seek programs that promise entry into the job market""ISSUE201 The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas -- not to prepare them for a specific job"。题目讨论选择专业的参考因素。可以考虑教育应当如何培养学生的问题,除了以后的工作以外,教育应当提供给学生什么样的价值观和理念。在分析的过程中,可以从教育培养学生是为了满足哪些要求、价值观对学生的作用、为工作而选择专业的意义、二者之间的关系以及利弊的对比等方面展开思考。
1. 为了工作而选择专业的方式,对于学生的学习、生活和工作都有哪些正负面影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 正面影响:根据就业而选专业使学生更清楚自己的方向,使得学生更有目的性,更易尽早为自己的人生作出规划,学习更加努力。研究表明有方向和计划性的学生要比他们的同龄人更早的成功,而不会在迷茫中浪费时间,甚至沉沦。 坏处:一个学生可能为了就业而选择了他不喜欢的专业,并且在后来的学习中也没有对这个专业产生兴趣,这可能使得他不愿意更努力他的专业,导致他浪费时间,荒废学业。
2. 如果没能形成正确的价值理念标准,而仅仅为某项工作做好了准备,会有哪些潜在的问题和不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 正确的价值观是重要的。 宝莱坞电影--三个傻瓜中,男主人公说:我们是为了让自己变得更完整而学习,而不是让自己变得更富裕而学习。找到一份高薪的工作不应该成为我们学习的动力,做一个健全的人才是我们接受教育的目的。 只有功利心的人,是不能成就大事业的。 比如产品的作假掺水可以在短时间内为人谋求的暴利,但这种做法不会给人带来长久的利润。
3. 除了为工作做准备以外,在大学阶段,学生应该锻炼哪些其他能力?怎样进行这些能力的锻炼?请举例并简述。
回答: 大学生除了在学校里锻炼自己的专业知识之外,还应该培养自己的学习能力,与人交流能力,团队合作能力,领导能力等。 这些与人际交往相关的能力可以在平常的与人交流和参加社会活动中获得。如参加学生会,做志愿者等等。
4. 在工作中,是否只有专业知识才是有用的?如果不是,还有哪些知识是有用的?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 在工作中,比起专业知识来,人际交往能力往往比专业能力更重要。 首先,在中国60%的学生专业是是与其找到的工作不对口的。 其次,即便找到了对口的专业,专业知识的应用只占个人成功原因的一小部分。戴尔卡内基(Dale Carnegie)和他的同事在1930年代发现,即使是在工程这种对专业要求极强的领域,只有30%的高管是专业知识极强的人,剩下的百分之70%,他们在专业知识上不是最强的,但他们懂得如何与人交流。
The expanding incoming gaps between students majored in diffrent fields lead people to think about a serious problem:Should college students decide their majors basing on the profibility of the jobs in these field or should they make the decision basing on their on interests? The speaker believes that the probility of  a job in the field is the most important. I however, can not agree with the speaker. I believe students' interest should be given priority when choosing fields for study.
First, college is no a place for before job training,rather it is a place for students to explore their talents and enrich themselves.They should be taught virtues and good values as well as professional knowledge. In the bollywood movie--Three Idiots,the hero who then became a world famous inventor said to his classmates:Study to be accomplished, not afluent. College Students should not concerned only about how to make more money, but how to be more useful for their people.And this is what colleges are for: nuturing great minds.
Secend,choosing one's major on the profibility of that field regardless of the students' interest may inhibit the development of him.Focusing on the profit a study may prevent people to see their talents in other  areas.What is more, many people suceed in the field they are not majored in.Lawyer is a profitable job,however, if Bill Gates who studied  law a college student had stick to his major,there will not be Microsof today and Walkin Chou,would have not become the most successful singer in Asian if he had not give up his major --Maths.
Last but not the least,the knowledge taught at class is not the only factor that decides one's success in career.Hardworking ,team sprit,ability to deal with people are all important element for one's success in a field,professional knowledge alone can ensure one's success.The fact is, in many cases professional knowledge is even not one of the major factor that decide one's salary.Dale Carnegie and his researchers found in the 1930's that even in highly professional fields like engineering,only 30% of the high paid were those who knew more about engineering,the remaining 70%  were those knew about engineering and the ways of dealing with people.
To sum up,college is a place where students should be taught a set of values,methods for learning and how they could be useful for their people as well as professional knowledge.Students should consider more than whether a field is remunerable before they decide their major.
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