GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘一清
Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
政府不应该去资助任何预期结果不明确的科学研究 。[说明:写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个建议达到什么程度,并解释你选择这个观点的理由。在展开和支持你的观点时,你要描述在具体的环境中,采纳这个建议可能会有什么好处,或不会有什么好处,并解释这些例子如何体现了你的观点]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE44"Government should not fund any scientific research whose consequences, either medical or ethical, are unclear"。题目实际上是讨论结果不明确的科学研究是否有价值,是否应该获得政府支持的问题。分析的重点应该是两个:一是研究结果的确定性是否和研究的价值有关系;二是政府投资应该考虑哪些问题。
1. 描述一个结果并不确定的研究内容,并分析这一研究是否有价值,为什么?
回答: 有可能是有价值的,也可能没有。但关键是,基于人类现在有限的知识,我们不能完全否定任何我们尚未完全了解的事物的价值,某些知识可能在当前得不到应用,但是在未来可能发挥作用
2. 从政府角度出发,判断某一研究是否有价值的依据有哪些?
回答: 首先,是一个研究是否能造福人民。包括在物质上和精神上。最直接的就是某研究能否解决现行问题,能否带来经济效益。能否丰富群众的精神生活
3. 描述一个国家支持的有关研究项目,其结果在研究前是不确定的。分析研究后产生的结果给国家带来了什么好处和问题。
回答: 比如说,科学家是在对野猪鼻子的启发下研究出了第一批防毒面具的(gas mask)。 bionics 由令人讨厌的苍蝇,仿制成功一种十分奇特的小型气体分析仪。已经被安装在宇宙飞船的座舱里,用来检测舱内气体的成分。 贝用它的蛋白质生成的胶体非常牢固,这样一种胶体可应用在从外科手术的缝合到补船等一切事情上
4. 科学研究通常会给国家、社会和人类带来什么好处和问题?请举例说明。
回答: 科学技术可以使人们的生活更加方便,生活质量得到提高。 比如要是当年不是中国政府组织国内的科学家寻找治疗疟疾的特效药的话,如今世界上广为被使用的青蒿素可能就不会被发现。
The speaker believes that government should finance only scientific researches whose consequences are clear.I can not agree with the speaker,because I believe that the researches with unclear outcomes also deserve governmental financial support,though I think that government should give priotrities to researches whose consequense may resolve immediate problems.
Research projects,even though the outcome of whom seem at present unclear may be beneficial to human beings  in the future.Since human's knowledge have limitations within a certain period of histery,people can not know exactly what the outcome of every research is like.But the unclear outcome do not mean that such researches have less value than those whose outcome is predictable.For example,scientists are not sure what they might get when they started study the nose of wild pigs,which seemed not beneficial to humans at all.However,it is inspiring by the structure of wild pigs' nose,scientists invented the first gas mask,which is now widely use in places filled with poisonous gases.
However,it is not to say that government should finance every research programme equally,projects that most likely to solve urgent problems should be given prioties to.The funds for scientific research is limited,countries should try their best to maximize their investment.For example, government should grant more money to programme that work on wind power and studies about some new found deep sea tiny creatures that lives 3000 meters underwater deserve less.Because human beings are facing an unprecedented energy crisis and need subtitute resource other than fossil fuels,while tiny creature in deep sea seems have little thing to do with solution to any known problems
To sum up,government should subsidize science research,no matter whether its consequence is clear.However,since the fund for scicence research is not unlimited,those projects which more likely lead to the solution of urgent problems should get more and quicker financial support.
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