GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘一清
Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people.
1. 请结合具体事例分析:哪些荒地因为政府没有进行有效保护,给人们带来了负面影响;有哪些原始荒地因为政府的开发而带来了更多的价值?
回答: 内蒙古的草原没有好好保养,结果沙漠化了。 拉斯维加斯,原来只是沙漠上的一片小绿洲,经过政府的开发变成了世界娱乐之都
2. 对政府而言,处于原始状态的公有荒地存在哪些直接价值和潜在价值?可尝试从经济、科技、政治、军事、教育、文化等角度思考。
回答: 如果是一片水土丰美的地方,那么此处所存在的野生动植物资源将对国家有很大的价值。 如果是拉斯维加斯那样的荒地,保存下来绝不会有今天的成就
3. 除了保持荒地原始状态之外,政府还可以利用荒地进行哪些活动?这些活动的直接价值和潜在利益有哪些?可尝试从经济、科技、政治、军事、教育、文化等角度思考。
回答: 开发旅游,进行科学研究。比如说像黄石公园
4. 对于“偏远并且很少有人去”的荒地,应该如何平衡开发与保持原状态的利弊?请结合以上分析做判断。
回答: 应主要应用于动植物研究,且荒地本身的存在就有净化空气的功能,纵使去不了,我们还是能享受到保护荒地的好处
5. 政府在保持公有荒地原始状态过程中的收益是否大于付出?
回答: 我觉得是的。保护林地的收益不能看林地为政府赚了多少,而是看这为政府省了多少未来开支。大量的植被对一个地区的空气质量影响是巨大的,所以亚马逊雨林才会被叫做地球的肺。欧洲现在已经不存在原始森林,全都是人工林。为什么欧洲人要煞费苦心的把砍掉的树在种回去?因为拥有森林的好处是巨大的。
The blank statement claims that government should not permit exploitations of wilderness land even the area is too remote for most people to have access to. I partly agree with the author. I consider that even the areas lies in remote areas deserve government's protection. However, I believe the blank statement to be overly simplistic. Government should still develop wilderness, but whether to develop or to preserve the natural state of a land should be judged by whether the development or preservation will benefit people in a long-run, not whether it is accessible for most people.
Exploitation of an untapped land does not necessarily cause detrimental effect on environment. Exploiting a land rightly, it can bring people much benefit. Las Vegas is a good example for making a barren land into a city of fortune. If people had left the little oasis in the desert of Nevada in its natural state, there would not be the city for entertainment now and Las Vegas now definitely provide more than water and a place to rest for the people passing by. It now offers millions of employment and contributes greatly to the revenue of Nevada.
Protections of areas in remote places can benefit people who have never been there. Various plants in protection areas provide good studying data for scientists, which the key for making scientific breakthrough may lies in. What is more, forests and other kinds of wilderness land serve as natural air conditioners for the areas around them, even though people will benefit from better air quality without going to the area being protected.
To sum up, government should use the nature resource to achieve better lives for its people. Since whether the exploitation of a certain area will benefit its people in a long-term is important, government to establish a system to evaluate the merits and demerits of exploiting a wilderness area.
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