TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lavender_605
People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你已经或者曾经是大学生么?简单描述一件在大学生活中给你印象最深刻的事情,并说说它给你带来了什么影响。
回答: 参加了广播站,当上了播音主持。虽然普通话一开始说得不是很好,但是慢慢就改正了。让我相信自己。
2. 综合你的大学生活,你认为你在大学得到了什么?(知识,经验,爱情……)
回答: 学到了专业知识,较到了很好的朋友。
3. 你有没有上过大学的朋友?你认为如果他们上大学的话,能得到什么改变?
回答: 有。他们上过大学之后知识面广了很多。
4. 你认为中国的大学教育还存在什么问题?你有什么好的解决方案吗?
回答: 给学生提供的机会还是太少。不够活跃。
2011. 2. 5 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: One of the most characteristics of successful leaders is the sense of responsibility for accepting their mistakes. (Success) There is no way around the fact that our world has been significantly depended on leaders. Their intelligence and vision decide the direction our society goes. By following the roads they paved for us, our society has transformed into what it is now. Therefore, how to be a qualified leader always lies in the heart of everyone’s mind. Someone argues that the most important characteristic should be the courage to take responsibility of mistakes. To my way of thinking, the most important characteristics of a successful leader hinges on the realm they belong to.   In the realm of politics, the most successful quality doesn’t lie in how much mistakes those leaders take, but in the resolution to reform. History abounds such examples. Lincoln, one of the most remarkable presidents of USA, by set the policy of abolishing slaves into motion, maintained the unity of America successfully. Roosevelt, another brilliant president of American, by adopting new policy and strengthening government’s ability to intrude economy, saved the USA from great depression. All of these examples illustrated that the successful politic leaders should be ones who are bold enough to reform.   In the realm of economy, the most successful quality doesn’t lie in …. but in the vision to create, and innovate. The best example can be illustrated as Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Company which is the most valuable company in the planet. His computer operation system ISO may be not the most excellent system, and iphones may not be able to be considered superior phones in terms of call. However, he initiatively combined computer with cell phone, creating the most outstanding mobile phones. By doing so, he not only made information personal, but also convenient. Clearly, without such vision, Steve couldn’t achieve such success.   In the realm of education, the equality of successful leaders, especially  the leader of a university, should be the wisdom to provide a peaceful and independent environment for their school. Schools are the breeding grounds which equip students with necessary knowledge, and install brilliant spirits such as independence, critical thinking to young adults. However, important as young adults are, schools are usually salved by authorities to  as a tool to control young adults. Therefore, a successful leader should be intelligent enough to strike the balance between politics and academic. The best example can be illustrated by Cai yuanpei who  successfully maintained Tsinghua university’s independence and openness under great pressure from authority, by inviting professors of diverse opinions to lecture. Now following his steps this university overshadows all other universities in China. Without the wisdom, Tsinghua University would lose the paramount spirit of a university.   All in all, different realms entail different equality of their leaders. And accepting the responsibility is just one of them.
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