TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Reading fiction (such as novels and short stories) is more enjoyable than watching movies. Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
1. 你平常喜欢看电影还是看小说?举出一个你喜欢的例子。
回答: 喜欢看电影,因为电影有着震撼的音效和绚丽的画面。比如最近上映的变形金刚3,有着强大视觉冲击力的变形金刚吸引着人民去电影院观看。还有特效3D效果让人们愿意买3D的高价票。
2. 你觉得看电影有什么好处和不便?
回答: 好处是有着音效和绚丽的画面, 不便是还要找好时间出去到影院去看电影,要花钱,有时候那些经典到改编电影不能真实的反映原著。
3. 你觉得看小说有什么好处和不便?
回答: 好处,可以随时携带随时看。可以发挥想象力,可以体会到原著到经典。 不便:不能欣赏到绚丽到画面和强大到音效。如果是英文电影,还可以训练听力。
It is no wonder that a clear division is usually made between reading fiction and watching movies. Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, I believe that reading fiction such as novels and short stories is more enjoyable than watching movies. 
First of all, there is on space and time limitation in reading fiction. People can read fiction at any spare time as long as they have one book in hand. For example, I used to carry a TOEFL exercise wherever I go. So I can prepare TOEFL test at any spare time. However, watching movies has a huge surplus of time and space limitation. And people need to prepare in advance if they want to watch movies. For instance, transforms 3 released some time ago. Although I eager to watch that film, I do not have a appropriate time to watch it. Additionally, some movies are 3D. People need to choose the cinema which has the specific equipment to watch this kind of moves. Therefore, reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching movies because of no time and space limitation.
Moreover, reading fiction can give people more image space to have a enjoyable time. People can transform words in fiction into image in their brain. In this process, there is no limitation about the transformed image. However, movies have the technique limitation to present a wonderful picture to people. For example, majority of fictions have only one edition. To the contrary, many movies have multiple editions because people always to make a new movie on the same story by new techniques in oder to present a more brilliant picture. However, a new edition movie also has technique limitation which have not been deal with. Thus, reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching movies because of no image limitation.
Finally, reading fiction can also offer people the financial convenience. Once people buy a book, they can read it many times. But if people want to watch the same movie for the other time, they have to pay for the movie again. So, reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching movies because of financial saving.
All in all, reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching movies because of no time and space limitation, no image libation and financial saving.
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