TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 广告的用途是什么?
回答: 将商品的功能告诉人们,提升商品在人们心中的形象,广而告之。
2. 广告的播出跟哪些因素有关?
回答: 文化传统,比如我国的审查机制很严格,很多国外的广告都禁止在国内上映。 经济实力,比如外国都很多广告都能拍出来很绚丽都效果,而我国都广告则不行。有些特效受限于经济水平和科技水平无法展现出来。
3. 同一产品的广告在不同国家播放会有什么不同?为什么会有这些不同?
回答: 有可能被限制或者禁止,因为文化的不同。比如我国强调内敛,而国外习惯于开放,许多国外的广告因为一些愿意,比如过于色情等在我国不能播放,
4. 如果产品的广告在各个国家都一样,那会有什么效果?
回答: 有时候可能观众接受不了,不了解文化等原因。比如我们国家可能看不懂阿拉伯国家的广告,而别的国家可能看不懂我们的买酒的广告。
It is no wonder that advertising is a common thing which people meet in life everyday. However, a advertising which can be seen so tiny in life can reflect many aspects about a country. Despite assorted effusion to the contrary, I believe that advertising can tell a lot about a country.
First of all, the most important and obvious aspect of a country which advertising can tell is the culture of the country. Clear divisions are usually made among different countries' advertising. And the reason is the different culture. For example, Chinese people like alcohol in their culture. And alcohol is almost a necessary in every feast. So many advertisings are about alcohol in China especially in time of festival. However, people in European and the United States like rather wine than alcohol. They have culture about wine. So their advertisings are almost about wine. Another example involves the different cultures which are reflected by different advertisings is food in festival. Chinese people have the Moon festival and they used to eat moon cake according to culture in Moon festival. So there are a huge surplus of advertisings about moon cake at Moon festival. However, if the advertising about moon cake is broadcasted to American, they may not know what the advertising mean. Therefore, advertising can tell a country's culture.
Moreover, advertising can tell about economy condition about a country. If the economy condition of a country is not very well, the advertising may be not delicate because of lacking of enough money. For example, many adversing in the United States have very famous people to be their advocator. And this need a lot of money to invite famous people. However, it is hard for a poor country to hire a famous people for their advertising because of lacking of money. Thus, advertising can tell a country's economy condition.
Finally, advertising also can reflect the custom of a country. For example, people have a conservative custom in China. To the contrary, customs in the United States are very open. So many American advertisings can not be displayed in China because of containing about sex subject. The censorship in China is so strict that many advertisings in the United States have to revise in order to display in China. So advertising can reflect custom of a country.
All in all, advertising can tell you a lot about a country.
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