TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some people want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research in agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recommend for your country? Use specific reasons in your recommendation.
1. 你的国家的农业发展情况如何?取得了什么成绩?还存在什么问题?
回答: 我的国家的农业发展还可以,只是有太多的人了,还是有很多人吃不饱饭。
2. 你认为一个农业研究中心能够带来什么好处?
回答: 能够改善农作物的产量,能够研究出科学的种植农作物的方法。
3. 你的国家的商业发展情况如何?取得了什么成绩?还存在什么问题?
回答: 商业发展的还可以。经济发展很快,但是贫富差距太大。
4. 你认为一个商业研究中心能够带来什么好处?
回答: 可以提供人吃饭的地方,买衣服的地方和消费的地方。
5. 农业和商业在你的国家各处在什么地位?
回答: 农业是基础,商业是建立在农业基础之上的。
It is no wonder that both business research center and agriculture research center have a huge surplus of advantages for a country. Despite assorted effusion to the contrary, I believe that agriculture is our country's better choice according to my country's special condition.
First of all, agriculture is the base of development and my country's agriculture is not very well yet. So in order to develop our country, solving problems in agriculture is so important for our country. Although the product of our country's agriculture has a huge increase for the last few years, the price of the agriculture product is still too high. The technology used in agriculture is still behind the other countries. And the incomplete information in agriculture market also is a big problem. All these problems play a significant role in the development of agriculture. A agriculture research center can help us solve majority of these problems which obstruct the development of agriculture. Then our country can have a better agriculture and base for the development. Therefore a agriculture is necessary for our country.
Moreover, a agriculture research center has lots of functions which can help the development of agriculture and country. For example, a development of agriculture technology can derive from agriculture center. And a agriculture center can tell people that how to manage agriculture to achieve a higher product. The most important thing is that a agriculture center can culture many agriculture scientists who can personally direct the development of agriculture. Thus, a agriculture research is necessary for our country whose agriculture is not advanced yet.
Finally, although a business research center is also very important, it is the next stage that our country needs. For example, a business research center can find out that how to develop economy. It directly relates with clothes which people wear everyday and instruments which people use everyday. However, if there is no agriculture to support the food to people, they may not have the mood to talk about which clothes should be bought. If there is no base, there will be no superstructure. Therefore, a agriculture center is more important for our country than a business research center.
All in all, our country should develop a agriculture research center.
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