GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:欧雪雯
In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE73原题。题目讨论想象力和知识的重要性问题,是大家很熟悉内容。因为范围(在很多行业和学术领域)给的很宽松,所以无论是采用正面观点还是反面观点都有很多切入点,而且有很多相关的理论和事例可利用。分析的时候应当注意三点: 1、要尽量拓展开思路,不要仅仅局限于科学领域。把各个行业、领域或者其中有代表性的几个进行对比,这样有助于更全面的把握文章。 2、相互的对比很简单,想象力和知识本身就是相互依赖的两个内容,但不要仅仅给出“foundation”、“creative”等通俗解释后漏掉两者重要性的比较。 3、重要性的对比可以结合不同的需求来说,要言之有物,不说空话。
1. 在学术和专业领域想象力和知识各是什么角色?试分析一两个以下学术领域中的情况( 历史、语言、文学、表演、哲学、宗教、建筑学、经济学、地理、政治、心理学、社会学、生命科学、化学、物理、电脑科学、数学、农业、经济、教育、工程、环境、法律、军事、传媒)
回答: 小说家需要很强的想象力,只有丰富的想象才能构造出好的情节与框架,例如JK 罗琳的哈利波特,这部作品的伟大之处就是里面的故事和人物都是想象出来的 但是也有的领域需要丰富的知识作为基础,例如数学,医学,对于一个数学家来说最重要的就是推理的能力,需要对很多公式和数学知识了然于心;对于外科医生也是,只有有丰富的医学知识才能够治疗病人,否则光凭想象力后果是很严重的,如果一个病人得病医生不确定是什么的话,就很难对症下药,甚至有生命危险。
2. 如果只有知识而没有想象力会有什么后果?请举例并简述。
回答: 如果只有知识而没有想象力人会变得很死板,并且也无法带来太大的成就,因为光有知识只能重复前人走的路,并不能够自己进行创新和重新利用,储备再多的知识也是毫无意义的 例如文学和艺术,只是复制别人的作品是毫无新意的
3. 如果仅仅有想象力却不具备知识又会怎样?
回答: 如果仅有想象力而没有知识,那么有很多想法是不切实际的,例如永动机是不可能实现的, 科学创新也是要遵循一定的定律的
4. 应当如何去判断想象力与知识的重要性?能否找到衡量或者对比的标准?如果能,请举例并简述;如果不能,请说明原因。
5. 在哪些情况下想象力要比知识重要?在哪些情况下知识比想象力重要?请举例并简述。
In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge.
Is imagination is more important than knowledge in most professions and academic fields? Admittedly, imagination is important, but the acquiring of knowledge is delusive in some aspects, which I think we should take this case by case.
In some areas, imagination has exclusive function which decides if the achievement is great or not. For example, the fiction Harry Potter is a great literal masterpiece in the human history, because the author J.K Rollin put the whole story into a imaginative magical world, in which the magical school, the wizard and the plot are combined each other. She displayed a unique and amazing world due to her strong imagination. Without imagination, the fiction could even created ,not to say giving us so many excellent reading experience. Also imagination is crucial in the  abstract art and music. There are a lot of pieces of music are based on the composers' imaginative situation. So that's why when we listen to Beethoven's symphony of fate, a display of fighting and struggling come to us and when we listen to Chopin's music, we feel sorrow and illusive. If they did not take imagination infused to their music, it was just a platitude which duplicate others' melodies.
However, there are also areas that knowledge is the basic and fundamental element. Consider to medical doctors, only if they have much knowledge of medical could they solve the disease problems, especially like the surgeons, who must have a pretty sound master of the organs and tissues of the human body.If not, or just make the therapy through imagination and inaccuracy, the health of the patients are threatened.Also, a lawyer must know the legal provisions really well to demonstrate in the court, which could persuade others. It is obviously not intelligent to debate with others without any evidences and knowledge of law.
Sometimes even in the literature, the author should have vast stores of knowledge to constitute the whole plots and the background. Moreover, some science researches need both knowledge and imagination ,which could the scientists make breakthrough in the progress of the human history.
In sum, imagination and knowledge are like the two sides of on coin. We could not fly far away without knowledge, and we also could not fly high without imagination. The combination of both would make the best.
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