IELTS 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:phylicia_s
Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people, while others think the purpose of museums should be to educate, not entertain. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
1. 你去过哪些博物馆?
回答: 风筝。
2. 这些博物馆有什么特点?给你的感觉是什么?
回答: 按照时间顺序和不同类别排序。感觉生动形象,附带有讲解员使得我们更理解文化,了解我们的生活习惯等等从何而来。
3. 如果博物馆变得更时尚更具有娱乐性,这有什么好处和弊端?
回答: 优点:1.increase the revenue of the museum to better protect the collections and collect more.2.attract younsters and bring culture to tourism drawbacks:缺乏教育的严肃性;对历史不够尊重;和古典气质不相符
4. 你认为博物馆应该具备怎样的功能?
回答: bring culture to civilians and educate citizens to respect the traditional culture.mainwhile ,as a supplement of public entertainment,tourism boost the local economy and increase the revenue ,supply more job opportunities such as ...
In this day and age,museums are playing an essential role in today`s life but people still have mixed views on whether museums should be more recreational or focus more on education.Personally,i am in favor of the former view.It is evident that being more entertaining would attract more individuals, especially kids and teenagers,thereby conveying knowledge to the next generation.For instance,by making your own crockery in a ceramics museum,citizens will gain more pleasure while understanding the process of making crockery ,furthermore having interest in the history and culture. Meanwhile,in this way,it can generate more job opportunities and boost the local tourism and economy.Individuals could act as the guide for tourists and the local service industries also benefit.Furthermore,more gains from the museum tickets and other services will be utilized to collect antiques and the tax revenue on museums and tourism will also benefit the government,which will improve the local infrastructure and the welfare of inhabitants.By contrast,some people tend to think that entertaining youngsters goes contradict to the classic style of museums ,which leads to little respect to the history.That people regard the history and culture handed down from ancestors as entertainment disappoints the historians and archaeologists ,making them feel their career less meaningful.When it comes to the economy,the prosperous museum industries might also bring negative effects,such as over-crowded tourists and unguaranteed service quality.Therefore,citizens will gradually be dissatisfied and bring about the recession of museums.Admittedly,there are some drawbacks and worries about the recreational part and some actions should be taken according to the potential passive influence.However,by taking some strategies,such as controlling the tourist number,it can be improved.Making museums more entertaining is in a long run beneficial and the new ideas can be collected from the citizens.
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