GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenya
In any field—business, politics, education, government—those in power should be required to step down after five years. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
相对于老GRE考试中的ISSUE70"In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership",本题省略了一个理由,也就使得讨论内容更加宽泛。对于本题,可以从几个方面来进行思考:对于领导者本身来说,五年时间会对他/她的领导方式、方法、思路有哪些正负面的影响;对于行业或者领域本身,更换领导的利和弊。
1. 描述一个曾经很辉煌,而后来失去了活力的机构(企业,政府等),并分析它失去活力的原因。这些原因是否与领导者有关系?
回答: ●Apple was established in the 1970s, almost the same age with his competitor Microsoft. But in the 1990s,with their establisher Steve Jobs' leave, Apple lost its consumer confidence by their CEO's unrealistic market forecasts and experienced a number of failures caused by the confusing products. When in 1997 Steve Jobs returned Apple, Apple was revived by this legendary leader. By introducing the Macbook series and the iPod products, Apple backed to people's attention, and then, the amazing iPhone,iPad and Macbook air makes Apple one of the largest companies in the world and the most valuable technology company in the world, having surpassed Microsoft. For reasons as various as its philosophy of comprehensive aesthetic design to its distinctive advertising campaigns, Apple has established a unique reputation in the consumer electronics industry. ●福特汽车公司。福特汽车公司在老福特公司的领导下,用流水线极大的满足了公众对汽车的需求。(assembly lines)但是公司在接下来的发展中只专注对一种型号汽车的发展(T),忽略了客户日益增长的个性要求,因此Henry Ford创建的庞大的家族产业一度失去了活力。这些原因有一部分在于领导者思维的僵化,没有跟上需求的变化,导致了其失去了活力。
2. 在导致事业失去活力的原因中,哪些原因跟领导者有关系?有什么关系?请举例说明。
回答: ●事业失去活力的原因:商业:生产出的产品并不为市场所接受--决策者有误--领导者的引领有误,对市场的需求不再了解。生产的产品不为接受--技术的进步自然淘汰--公司未跟上技术的进步--领导者领导的企业转型困难--领导僵化,害怕改变(胶片Film与数码相机Digital Cameras)教育:男女同校的改革,旧式学校消亡,新式学校建立--领导者的信仰和观念有关。政治方面:宪政民主与独裁(constitutional government dictatorship ) ●错误的选择企业的发展方向,高层的腐败,谋求私利,牺牲了公司的利益。领导错误的判断和分析,选择了一个不适合其公司的发展方向,导致产品不能吸引顾客,在市场中占有量少,竞争力差,但有花费了大量的成本在新产品上,随着公司产品销量不断下滑,公司业绩每况愈下,给公司造成巨大的损失,甚至面临倒闭的危险。08年通用公司面临倒闭的危险,正因为该公司的领导错误地指引他们的汽车特点的发展方向,主要生产高能耗的大排量的汽车,在经济危机的背景下,人们选择日本产的经济的低能耗的汽车。
3. 更换新的领导会给事业发展带来什么好处和什么弊端?在一定时间内更换领导对哪些行业更有好处?请举例说明。
回答: ●能注入新鲜的血液,带来新的思维和理念,放弃一些陈旧的观念,促进事业的进步和发展。也有弊端,新的领导,过来需要适应新的环境,员工也要适应新的领导,需要一段时间的磨合期,这段时间公司或单位的办事效率可能会下降,做事成本要上升。在一定时间内更换领导对商业,教育,政治,政府有好处。政府机关可以避免领导的腐败行为,杜绝谋求个人利益的行为。防止领导利用手中的权利从国家的资金中捞取一部分归入自己的口袋中。同样在政治上,避免领导人行使极权统治,威胁民主政治的安全。 ●好处:新的思想观念信仰,更有活力。新的方法和新经验,更能有效。 新的了解和新知识,更现实。 弊端:经验或者对该事业的不了解,可能会导致很多问题,比如管理无效,其他老资格的雇员难以驾驭,对该事业核心价值的不清楚可能会做错决策或者难以对症下药。在一定时间内更换领导在政治领域更有好处,比如如此可以更民主,更体现公民的权利。而对其他一些更需要经验和实际操作的行业,可能任期的限制并不那么严格,比如说公司的CEO,学校的校长之类。
4. 对一个领导者的领导水平的评判应该考虑哪些因素?请举例说明。
回答: ●1.创造力和独立性。比如福特汽车的流水线。2.领导力和控制力。比如苹果公司的总裁乔布斯的控制力。强弱哪一种更好要看行业。3.决策的能力和敏感性。政府的总统对现在政府内在问题判断的准确性。教育领域的对社会变化的敏感。 ●组织,沟通,思维,判断,观察,抗压能力。毛泽东。罗斯福新政,在众人反对的情况下,仍然坚持执行,最终使美国走出经济危机的阴影。
We are discussing a topic about whether or not people in power should be required to step sown after five years. I, in this discussion, tend to depend on the leader's or president's areas, and different fields may have different considerations on this issue. Here I will elaborate my point of view from the following aspects.
As a business leader in a company, in my opinion, he or she should not be asked to step down after five years, in spite of some special circumstances. On one hand, from creating a company to managing it and make it prosperous, some leaders might devote their whole personal time during several years. And the company is often like their own babies, thus they are the best people who know the company well and who can lead them to thrive. After a long period's engagement, five years or more, the exacutive of a company could have been more professional and sensitive about this area, since he or she has more experience of both success and failure than any other new coming people. So that they should continue their manegement of company to maintain the long-lasting development of the company and its employees. On the other hand, if a business leader left a company after a few years' leading, the company will be negatively influenced. For example, Apple was established in the 1970s, almost the same age with his competitor Microsoft. But in the 1990s, with their establisher Steve Jobs' leave, Apple lost its consumer confidence by their CEO's unrealistic market forecasts and experienced a number of failures caused by the confusing products. When in 1997 Steve Jobs returned Apple, Apple was revived by this legendary leader. By introducing the Macbook series and the iPod products, Apple backed to people's attention, and then, the amazing iPhone,iPad and Macbook air makes Apple one of the largest companies in the world and the most valuable technology company in the world, having surpassed Microsoft. For reasons as various as its philosophy of comprehensive aesthetic design to its distinctive advertising campaigns, Apple has established a unique reputation in the consumer electronics industry.
When it comes to the educational and political areas, this issue may be discussed in other ways. Imagining presidents of universities, and I think they need to be required to change their working places after several years. First, changing leaders of a school can promote the communication and interaction among different schools, which will help to improve our education system and make a more balance and free educational atmosphere. Students, as a consequence, can benefit from the change of their president by experiecing diversified thoughts and ideas. In addition, it is good for the president him or herself to go to a new place to work, since he or she can develop the ability to deal with different areas. He or she can also expand their social interacting circles and improve their managing ideas.
Political leaders, or those in power in government, should also be replaced by a new generation after certain years. The foremost reason for this is to impulse them to have risk of losing power, so that they can try their best to do their own business rather than taking advantage of such power to enjoy his or her own life. What's more, the democracy and fairness are very important to a nation, thus we should make every person with competence to compete for this position. This updating machenism may also eliminate the phenomenon that some greedy officials in government may secretly take a bribe.
To put it in a nutshell, the issue whether or not a leader in areas, such as business, politics, education, or government, should be replaced by new one has been elaborated above. As demonstrated here, I believe that business managers are not necessary to change every five years in a company, whild education presidents and politic leaders are in great need to change their position.
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