TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:shishu0908
Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你所生活的城市是否有古建筑,存在的现状如何?
回答: 有古建筑,有的被拆除了有的还在。比如金马碧鸡坊现在还存在,是昆明市的城市建筑标志之一。like Gold Horse & Emerald Chicken Square, one of the Kunming architecture symbles.被拆掉的比如文庙街,是昆明老街之一。the old street of Confucious' temple. the classic Kunming style old street.
2. 古建筑有哪些特点?
回答: 能体现当时的建筑特色,并把流行于当时的文化特色和生活风俗体现在建筑中。feature the classic architecture at that time, and show the cultural and folk style through the architecture at that time.
3. 保护古建筑的好处有哪些?难处在哪儿?
回答: 好处:留下的古建筑和现在的建筑风格迥然不同,是城市建筑中的特色;古建筑是我们历史的见证,保护古建筑等于在保护历史, 难处:古建筑由于年代久远,所以很多地方需要投入人力和财力去维修,比如很多木质结构已经被虫子和风雨侵蚀过,非常易朽。比如很多壁画,其颜色已经快要褪色。这些都需要专门有人去维护,呵护古建筑的精力投入比维护现代建筑要难得多。
4. 拆除古建筑用现代化建筑来取代的好处和弊端是什么?
回答: 拆除古代建筑可以省去每年的维护费用。用现代建筑来取代古代建筑可以使整个城市的建筑风格更加统一。
5. 现代化建筑有哪些特点?
回答: 特点:现代建筑可以提供更多设施方便使用的人群,比如供暖、空调、电梯、照明设备、卫生间等,都符合现代人的使用需求。用的材料更加不易损坏。
6. 保护古建筑和兴建现代化建筑之间的关系如何?
回答: 保护古建筑和兴建现代化建筑的关系是不相冲突的。现代人需要能跟上时代进步的现代建筑,满足人们的使用需求,比如人口密集之地,盖高楼以减少占地面积是现代城市发展的需求;而古建筑的遗址需要我们坚定地维护它,因为这些古建筑是不仅是楼房那么简单,它更是文化与历史的象征,是一个城市的古迹,其重要性远比我们新建高楼重要得多。
The unprecedented development of urban with an eager requirement of more modern buildings has caused the contradiction of limited land use between the existed old architectures and coming large-scale buildings. Some people supporting removing historical sites are afraid that ecomomy is being confine to the unsatisfied urban land development.They thought pulling down the old buildings and constructing modern edifaces is the best way to promote the city economy; while I myself strongly disagree with this arguement with the following two reasons.
Old buildings are one of the optimal ways to experience and research the old-fashion life of people living in past dynasty.One unique architecture impressed me when I visited The Yunnan Universtiy 5 years ago. An long hallway is diveded into 10 small rooms with each of them is 1-square meter and only allow one person in one room as well as one chair and one table.Anyone walk along the hallway can easily observe the people who sit inside the room. I never saw other similar architectures anywhere else.Not mention the room without door but with an iron fence as high as 0.5 meter to prevent people inside walking out without permission. This kind of architecture is specially designed for the ancient imperial competitive examination. Every examiner need to complete the test under the strict surveillance. The final success had the right to meet the emperor and gain the dream official job. That's why the examination room such as these locked room with steel fences are managed as strict as possible.We descendant can not imagine how the strict and callous examination in the past would be.Only through these vivid existed architecture can we learn more about the life and culture of ancient people and deeply understand our society and ourselves.
Ancient architectres are also the essence of ancestors'intellegence and wit. One of my hometown,the famous spring city Kunming of China,owns a symbolic memorial archway "Golden horses and Jade chicken". By researching it many years, local scholars set forth that the shadows projected by the Sun at about 17:00 and by Moon at about 19:30 will gradually overlap and then integranted as one. This miracle occurs every sixty years. This unbelieve masterpiece shocks everyone. And of course this  elaborate building not only bring us about the aesthetic interest but also the science value. That's why every traveller wants to visit this archway and hold the opinion that it's the markable symble of Kunming. This kind of architecture reflect combination of practical and scentific idean of ancient people.
Modern edifaces, however, can satisfy the need of modern citizen, like equipment of heating in winter and airconditioner in summer or the convenient and clear restroom. While old buildings can not meet these needs in the same way, even ask for extra money and staff investing on them for maintainance. I still insist that old architectures especially those historical sites are not simplely outdated buildings, modern edifaces pale when comparing to what historical sites providing to us.
I insist that government should take the role in protecting and maintaining the significant historical sites, which is equally important to developing city economy.
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