TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:dytzz2608
Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你所生活的城市是否有古建筑,存在的现状如何?
回答: 我所生活的城市有很多古建筑。大部分被保护的很好,但是由于特别密集和城市发展的需要,有一些也受到了严重的破坏。
2. 古建筑有哪些特点?
回答: 古建筑往往比较容易受到现代环境的破坏。但是往往有着很大的价值,首先外观古朴漂亮,有艺术性。其次蕴含着许多历史信息。例如考古学家可以从很多古建筑的情况推出当时的历史文化和事件。
3. 保护古建筑的好处有哪些?难处在哪儿?
回答: 保护这些建筑可以增加一个地区的历史文化感,有利于当地文化的形成。同时也是一道好的风景。我们可以利用古建筑发旅游业,带动当地经济发展。同时可以从建筑中学习很多历史的知识,和对现代一些建筑的指导,形成建筑风格。但是也有不可避免的难处,首先古建筑大多历史悠久,很多都已经还是破败,保护他们不受自然和认为的破坏非常困难。其次,现代经济和科技的发展有可能需要古建筑所占用的土地,而且在一些城市里,古建筑的风格可能和城市整体环境格格不入。
4. 拆除古建筑用现代化建筑来取代的好处和弊端是什么?
回答: 拆除古建筑用现代话建筑代替是有好处的,例如古建筑可能已经不符合现代城市人口的规模,重建可以提高空间利用率,使得城市更加高效率。而且更加容易使得整体的城市景观协调。但是,我们会永远失去历史的遗产。文化上的伤害不可避免。对社会会造成影响。
5. 现代化建筑有哪些特点?
回答: 现代化建筑通常高大坚固,制作材料使用钢材料和混凝土。现代气息比较重。高度集成化,功能化。
6. 保护古建筑和兴建现代化建筑之间的关系如何?
回答: 可以不冲突,用更精妙的城市规划解决这个问题。
With the accelerating speed of modernization, more and more old  buildings came into our eyes in both the cities and some small towns. Sometimes the historical buildings may stymied the moving steps of city construction. So what should we do to these buildings, should we keep them in our places or replace them with modern buildings? In my opinion, all what we should do is preserving them as better as we can. Because they are not only legacy left by our ancestors, but also the catalyst of our city development. 
First of all, acting as treasures gifted by our human's history, the ancient buildings were precious belongings for us to learn culture and history from them. We could study historical art as well as building techniques according to the appearance and structure of these buildings. For example, in China, many ancient buildings were full of frescos and sculptures inside. It was these beautiful art works that we could touch the thought of the old artists. What was more, we could also appreciate amount of the awesome arts now. Who can imagine that if we destroyed all of the buildings with paintings and so on, how huge the loss we had made. Therefore, it is considerable meaningful if we could preserve the old buildings in our land. 
In addition, historical buildings are supposed to be quite useful to our city. That is to say, with these building Being the typical represents of our history and culture, we could take advantage of them by developing tourism of a city. Others could gain access to our culture and learn something from older's wisdom presents by the construction. A good example of these is the pyramids in Egypt now. the splendid pyramids have converged countless tourists from all over the world, and I believe all of them were bent by the great of the old culture. As a result, Egypt benefit a lot from this, and the pyramid eventually sparked the economic booming of that area. Thus, keep old buildings could make positive influence on the development. 
On the other hand, some of the ancient constructions really bothered the modernizations of an area. We need the places to optimise the outlook and the function of the city wich might be taken by an old building. However, simply removing it with a modern construction instead would not be a wise choice. With advanced technology, Why couldn't we use better designs and programmings for the city to make ancient one look comfortable. By doing this could we make a compromise between the ancient ones and modern ones. 
In conclusion, as far as i am concerned, we should protect the ancient buildings. In consequence, we could preserve plenty of beautiful spots as well as help develop our economy. 
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