GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:吃兔子的萝卜
The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
目前生活的奢华和方便阻碍了一个人成长为真正强大和独立的个体。 [说明:写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个说法达到什么程度,并解释你选择这个观点的理由。在展开和支持你的观点时,你需要考虑这个说法可能在哪些方面成立或者不成立,并解释你所考虑的这些东西如何体现你的观点]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE26"Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals"。题目要求阐述的是奢华和方便的生活是否会影响一个人的成长,换句话说,就是要论证奢华和方便的生活是否会影响到人的独立性和能力的培养。这个题目切忌对生活的方便之处进行罗列;并且,在写作的时候一定要有明确的观点,并针对观点来选择可以使用的理由和论据。
1. 回忆一下自己的成长过程,生活条件如何?这种生活条件是否对成长造成了影响?如果是,具体阐述是什么影响,并举例说明。
回答: 生活条件属于还可以。生活条件对我的成长造成了直接的影响,因为家庭条件还不错,所以我能够从6岁开始学习拉小提琴,打开了音乐世界这个大门;另外,我比同龄的一些孩子更早的接触电脑,慢慢地对它很感兴趣,致使我在大学期间学习的专业就是计算机。
2. 奢华和方便的生活会给人的独立性和能力培养提供什么好处?带来什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 奢华和方便的生活提供的直接的好处就是:经济的支持,有这种经济支持孩子就可以培养他们的兴趣爱好,让他们得到全面的发展,对于人的独立性和能力的培养是极为有利的。而问题也是明显的:放纵,奢华和方便的生活削弱了人的意志,安于现状不再努力,比如我的朋友中有家庭条件极为优越的,他们就会有不需要努力就会得到自己想要的东西的想法。
3. 人的成长,尤其是个人能力和独立性,会受到哪些因素的影响?这些因素是否都和生活质量有关系?如果有,具体是什么关系?请举例说明。
回答: 个人能力和独立性会受到:1.家庭因素,但这和生活质量无关,却与父母的为人处世有关,即使是很显赫的家族,也有子女极为有出息的,例如:肯尼迪家族,布什家族(父子都曾是美国总统),钱永健和钱学森,如果父母教育的好,生活质量给孩子带来的益处大于弊端,2.个人因素,如果一个人一心向上,求知若渴,那么良好的家庭环境对他是有很大的帮助的,但是若是本人不努力,好的生活条件就是他进一步的懈怠,差的物质条件让他走向犯罪的道路。
4. 比较贫困的生活会给人的独立性和能力培养带来什么好处?带来什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 使他早熟,让他很早就会认识到如果不努力学习工作,那么是无法改变贫困的生活的。带来的问题也是巨大的:未成年犯罪,在中国近几年青少年犯罪比率持续上升,而其中大部分是偷盗,其中主要是家庭条件很差的未成年人,贫困的生活会让人很早的成熟,而这是把双刃剑。
    The relationship of the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life and people developing into truly strong and independent individuals has been one of the social headlines.Some people insist that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life will prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.While other person's point of view is at opposite poles.However,I argue that the growth of people ,especially personal ability and independent individuals,depend on many factors,and the most important factors are family and personal.Only explore clearly the impact of both individual ability and independence,we can finally determine the relationship of them.And in fact I believe that no matter which factor play a positive role,it also promote people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.     Family factor that can impact people grow is relevant to the parental education rather than the quality of life. Even a very prominent family, It has children who were very promising such as Kennedy family and Bush family.If parents educate well,the quality of life will be benefit to their children. Personally,quality of life directly affect my growth.Because my family is middle class,I learn violin at six years old and then the musical gate was opened to me.In addition,I touched the computer earlier than my classmates and then I interested in it slowly,the result is computer is the specialty that I learn in college.So the advantage of luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life is just the economy support and people can develop further based on this condition.But the problem is also obvious.Good quality of life 
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