TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:杯具二十年
Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你所知道的危险运动有哪些?你玩过吗?
回答: 蹦极bungy 过山车roller coaster 潜水diving
2. 从事危险运动需要注意哪些方面?
回答: 安全设施 求生训练
3. 危险运动与常规运动相比有什么特点?
回答: 危险,刺激
4. 你们从危险运动中感受到了什么?
回答: 濒临死亡的体验
There is an obvious trend that an growing number of people are getting  attracted to dangerous sports and activities than ever before. In the past few years,there has been a widespread attitude towards dangerous sports and activities such as bungy,surfing and motocross that these sports are too dangerous and extremely risky.Now,people in growing number are getting to recognize that these dangerous sports and activities are really entertaining and exciting.Admittiedly, dangerous sports and activities are full of risk,but these sports can make people feel thorough relaxed and obtain some fantastic unusual experience,even gain a sense of achievement.
First of all ,  these dangerous sports can make people feel totally relaxed.Nowadays,people are leading a busy life of which the strain at work and study are significantly higher than ever before. Thus, the desire for stimulation and excitement is naturally getting strong. Taking part in dangerous activites is a way to release preasure and depressive emotion. For instance, one can feel recharged after attending a extreme sport like parkour.Another advantage of participating in dangerous sports and activites is that participants can gain some extraordinary experience unaccessible to majority of people in daily life. For example, people can only drive no faster than 120 kilometers per hour on city road,while they can speed up to 200 even 300 km per hour in a motor race. In this case, people get access to fantastic experience of overspeed which can not be obtain through other common activities.Finally, people feel a sense of achievement accomplishing a dangerous activity. The inborn instinct render human desire to conquer and achieve. I believe there must be some kind of gene inside our body that can be tracked back to our ancesters who fight against nature , struggle for survival , expand territory . So we clamber the Mountain Everest , stick our flags in the ice land of the Arctic and Antarctic .Considering all the factors above, the reason why some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities is self-evident.
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