TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:tommy_zuo
【IBT机经-16】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.
1. 请举例说明电影和电视有哪些内容?
回答: 有积极的部分比如说爱国 科技方面的比如说动物世界 和一些科教方面的电影 不好的 暴力 色情 血腥
2. 哪些内容会对年轻人产生积极影响?这些积极影响是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 比如说科技 生物方面的电影 动物世界 我小时好最喜欢的电视节目 告诉我很到自然界生物界的知识,运用这些知识 我可以轻易在生物课上取得高分
3. 哪些内容会对年轻人产生消极影响?这些积极影响是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 暴力 血腥的 电影 会对未成年人的心里造成影响
4. 请举例说明影响到年轻人行为方式的原因有哪些?
回答: 暴力 让年轻人以为 暴力可以解决问题 会盲目模仿
5. 在你看来,电影和电视会对年轻人的行为方式产生决定性影响吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 需要正确引导
       People all over the world benefits enormously from the rapidly development of the technology and science in various field. for example  a 70-inch plasma or LCD television that look no thicker than a can be easily affordable.but the main question facing the television might be the negative effects on young i agree that  Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.    Firstly watching television result in serious damage to the health of teenager.A number of studies have shown the incidence of myopia increases with watching TV.the research also indicaed that young people who watches TV over 3 hours a are eaiser to have the myopia.and as we all know there is no known way to heal it.and you should wear an unconvenient glasses in the last years in your life.and when you watch TV grogram ,you may eat some humbanger or pizza or  greasy potato chip and drink some cola or juice.and eating junk food ehhance the chance of obseity.and sadentary life can lead to backache and the pain in neck.and is also not good for children's health.       TV has a negative impact on children's behavior .the reason are twofold .For one thing ,television programs make violence,smoking and cursing appear attractive and even heroic .for another thing ,chiildren tend to copy what they consider cool on television .MY three years old nephew once use the F word .which shocked the whole family .It turned out that his father had been watching a popular but violent television series for the past week .My nephew ,repeated exposed to the F word .quickly pickly up .a recent study can back up this point.the study conducted by the china post ,has found a causal relationship between viewing violent content and agressive behavior of teenagers 
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