GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:誸之言曰
The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history.
本题讨论历史研究的意义,题目认为其主要意义在于说明各个历史时期人们的生活是相同的。与本题很类似的一道题目是ISSUE226--People are mistaken when they assume that the problems they confront are more complex and challenging than the problems faced by their predecessors. This illusion is eventually dispelled with increased knowledge and experience.对于本题,你可以从:是否存在错误观念、导致错误观念的原因、研究历史对其作用、表面生活形式之下的深层问题、对不同领域环境和环境下的问题的不同情况等方面展开分析。需要注意两点:1、在讨论历史研究意义的过程中,不能无视题目限定的范围(各个历史时期人们的异同)而岔开话题自说自话——去列举其他研究历史的好处并且不和此范围做相关类比或对比;2、在对比不同历史时期人们的生活的时候要有具体内容,言之有物而不是喊口号说空话。
1. 请举例描述现在人们日常生活、学习、工作中的三种情况,并和十年前、一百年前、一千年前的人们遇到过的情况进行对比。
回答: 在一些方面存在很大不同。比如生活方式。在一些方面存在共性,比如对未知的好奇和探索。
2. 你是否认为生活在现在这个历史时期的人和其他任何历史其的人相比都有很大不同?如果是,那么差别在那些方面?如果不是,那么现在的人们和以前各个历史时期的人们有什么相似之处?请举例并简述。
回答: 差别主要在生活方式。在自我认识、精神方面有一脉相承的地方。
3. 造成人们认为自己和其他历史时期的人有很大差异的原因是什么? (可从内因、外因两方面考虑)
回答: 外因是社会的发展,人类的进化。内因是人本身的自省
4. 历史研究可以带给人们哪些信息或方法?是否有了这些信息和方法就可以消除这种错误观念?
回答: 对共性的研究解决长期的共同的问题,对不同的研究解决短期的发展的问题。
History study provides a fact that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time. History also tells us that people in one period of time have much commonness with people who lived at any other time. I considered it to be a biased viewpoint to accept the differences while ignore the commonness. For human development, history study has duty to raise awareness of the importance in both difference and commonness.
We have to agree with the statement that obvious differences exist in people who lived in different historical periods. These differences reflected in the way of life, social relations, religious beliefs, cultural and values. As science and technology are developing, so that people use automobile, airplane and passenger ship instead of carriage, hot-air balloon and steamship, in perfect accord with productivity of modern society. People got together as a federation or tribe in the past time to protect themselves, and we established the minimum unit-- family--to maintain the relationship. Different religious beliefs born in different historical periods. Some of them died away with the war in the long history, others had come down from time immemorial but no longer the original. Even if people lived in the some district changed their beliefs in different historical periods. Culture changes roughly coincide with life style. Chinese simplify their traditional festivals and is fascinated with western festivals as Saint Valentine's Day. The long history of human being makes it easy for everyone to find out differences between himself and people who lived at any other time.
However, in many respects, the basic nature and humanity which lasting millions of years have never changed. For instance, development of human science based on the consistent exploration of unknown world. Curiosity promoted Greek philosopher Aristotle developing geocentric, and inspired Copernicus propounding the heliocentric theory. In 1998, observation of the supernova indicates that our universe is accelerating expended. Art and war are other examples. The most famous achievements in human art history show the some hope and beauty without limits of time and districts. The large or small wars in human history because of the some immoderate desire and cupidity. Finally, yearning for a better life is permanent in all period of time. Compared with differences, commonness of human being seems internal but perpetual.
 It is the limit of cognition that caused the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history. People cogitate the society dependent on his or her thinking style and how much information can be used. As communication decreased, less and less information will be spread, and more problems will be exaggerated because of ignorance. People who lost the chance learning from others in history may regard his own problem as unique.
Thinking style can be another factor governs people`s understanding of themselves. Modernist may disagree with the old idea of 'the more sons, the more blessings', but intestate financial products for the some internal reason--make their future life guaranteed. People`s cognition take notice of the obvious differences at first, and hardly touch the internal commonness without enough available information and skillful thinking style. The cognitive limits of history misleading people to exaggeration of themselves and differences.
Study of history solved problems by broadening our vision and knowledge, and awakes the awareness of ignorance. We learn from history both differences and commonness to improve earthly life and avoid the universal mistake. Although, differences give chances to make progress, especially in nature science and technology. I’m still emphasizing the importance of commonness. For instance. There is no wars are alike in the world, but the objective and ends are always the same. We learn from wars for another one or, perhaps, trying to avoid them. Psychology, a study of human psychic history, finds out the similar psycho logic characters in different period of time, and help people overcome the psychological barriers. The study of history is to avoid mistakes even in common while seek development in differences.
We recognized that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time. These differences promote the development of human society. But, we know from the history that the basic nature and humanity of human being have never changed. Study of history should make people aware of the internal commonness so that people will not be confused by ostensible differences.
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