GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:大眼睛大叔
Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE190"As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate -- and, perhaps, even cruel -- when one considers all the potential uses of such money"。题目讨论公共资源支持艺术发展的合理性问题,题目认为相对于艺术,资金更应当用于解决社会基本问题(饥饿、失业)。在分析的过程中,可以从社会基本问题和艺术发展各自的重要性以及忽视之后可能带来的直接和间接后果、资金支持在二者发展之中的必要性以及效率效果等方面展开思考。对于此题这种对比型的题目,需要注意不应孤立得去说二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 对于社会基础问题以及艺术发展,现在各国的投资支持态度是如何的?请描述具体某国家的情况,并评价其是否合理以及原因。
回答: 发达国家一般十分注重艺术发展,所以在这方面投入很大。而大多数发展中国家,由于面对这样那样的发展问题,所以在艺术方面的投入相对较少。比如中国在艺术方面的投入较少,我们更多关注的是经济建设和科技发展。在艺术方面没有过多的投入。
2. 社会基础问题(饥饿、失业)得不到解决会对社会产生哪些不良影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 公民生活面临巨大挑战,社会安定将受到破坏,导致国家动荡。
3. 在社会基础问题解决之前是否其他任何投资行为都是不合适的?能否因为社会基础未得到解决就不去用公共资源支持艺术?请解释其中的原因。
回答: 不是。还是应该支持艺术,只是重点投资还是要放在社会问题上。文化艺术是民族之本,如果不好好保护和支持,许多重要的艺术形式将面临消失,给一个民资带来不可补救的遗憾。
4. 如果一个国家专注于改善其社会基础而忽视了艺术发展,该国的发展会出现哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 导致国家艺术水平落后,重要的艺术形式逐渐消失。公民缺乏文化艺术生活,导致经济和文化的发展不平衡。
5. 社会基础问题和艺术二者之间存在哪些相互影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 只有解决好了基础问题才又能力更好的支持艺术,艺术的繁荣也会在一定程度上缓和基础问题。
Should nations suspend government funding for arts when significant numbers of citizens are hungry and unemployed, as the speaker asserts? In my point of view, to some extent, the assertion is too extreme. On balance, however, I tend to agree that nations should solve social problems, but not suspend government funding for arts.
  Admittedly, nations ought to continue to look for better ways to solve the issues of hunger and unemployment in order to maintain national stability and stimulate economic development. Without doing this, great numbers of people would suffer from hunger resulting national instability and even worse problems. For example, many ancient countries that own precious cultural arts are facing heavy social issues at the same time, like many African and Asian countries. Only when their citizens have a better physical life, could they enjoy their own precious cultural arts.
  However, solving social immediate problems doesn't mean that governments have to suspend funding arts first.  Art is a vital composition of culture which is essential to a nation. If we pay no attention to protecting and funding arts, many precious arts will die away. And this is irreparable to a nation and resulting in decrease in citizens' cultural level. For example, Beijing opera and Chinese calligraphy are both vital arts for China. But because of lack of government funding and protecting, there are fewer and fewer young people who enjoy and even know them, which resulting in the decrease in cultural level of Chinese young people.
  Finally, in return, arts prosperity is also helpful to economic development. The development of economy will solve the problems of hunger and unemployment fundamentally at the same time. For example, New York has replaced Pairs to become the arts center of world since the Second World War. And in the other hand, its arts prosperity attracts numbers of exceptional individuals to work and live in New York, which promotes local economic development greatly. Nowadays, New York has become one of the important economic and arts centers of the world.
  To sum up, I concede that nations should solve immediate social issues, but funding arts is also very important to nations and their citizens. Under no circumstances should nations suspend government funding for arts. So I fundamentally agree with the speaker.  
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