GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:大眼睛大叔
In order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE14"It is necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, mythology and other types of imaginative literature"。题目讨论想象类文学对大学生成长的必要性问题。因为涉及的是很笼统的概念,所以可以通过确定“大学生成为多才多艺的人有哪些需求”、“这些需求可以被哪些方式满足”以及“这些方式是否是唯一”等内容,逐层把问题剥开,最终指向“想象”的概念。
1. 想象类文学作品和其他文学作品想比,有什么共性和个性?请结合具体文学作品进行对比并简述。
回答: 共性:他们都来自生活,是对情感和经历的一种文学演绎。 个性:想象文学描述的世界可能与我们生活的世界有所不同,作品内容多以天马行空的想象为主。 想象文学有很多比如《哈利波特》《西游记》他们与写实性作品有很大区别,他们构造了一个不存在但逻辑合理的世界。给读者带来了完全新鲜的体验。
2. 读想象类文学的有什么好处?可以满足人们哪些需求?这些需求中,哪些是其他行为不能满足人们的?请举例并简述。
回答: 激发读者想象力,突破他们传统理性的束缚。 给读者带来一种自由的体验,给读者一个广阔的想象空间。比如《哈利波特》描述了一个虚拟的魔法世界,在这里读者可以充分融入剧情展开想象而完全没有现实生活的束缚。这一点是其他文学类型无法满足的。
3. 如果剥夺所有人去读想象类文学的权利,后果会怎样?请简单描述。
回答: 如果没有想象文学,只有写实性的文章。那么人们会逐渐厌恶写实性文章,即使他们写的太优美也会令人厌倦。整个文学体系将变得毫无生气,只是写单纯对现实的描述。也就没有人会喜欢文学了。就像人被剥夺了做梦的权利,生活少了憧憬,变得如死水一般让人透不过气来。
4. 是否“每个人”都需要看想象类文学作品?你知道不知道有不读想象类文学作品的人?他们的情况如何?请举例并简述。
回答: 不是。我承认有些年纪大的人更喜欢写实性的作品,他们能再这样的书中找到以往岁月的感觉,来回味他们的人生和精力。因为对于很多老人来说,他们只想活在记忆中。但不可否认,所有的年轻人都是有梦想的,他们都向往着不一样的世界。所以对于年轻人来说他们都需要读想象类的文学作品。
5. 参加相关课程和使大学生成为多才多艺的人之间有什么关系?
回答: 通过多接触想象类文学作品,激发了年轻人的想象力。激起了他们对梦想的追求和未来生活的向往,也激发了他们的创新能力。这会有助于他们接触更多的东西,学习更多的技能。这样就让大学生成为了多才多艺的人。

  The speaker asserts that in order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature. I fundamentally agree. In my point of view, however, I hold that most of colleges’ students should read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature.
  Admittedly, some college students don't enjoy imaginative much. Besides, their major require them have literary and strict attitudes. When comes to this, it is not necessary for them to read imaginative literature. For example, college students whose major is history are less likely to enjoy imaginative literature. The research of history needs concentration and strictness rather than imagination. The historians should look for useful information that is loyal to truth. Whether choosing to read imaginative literature only depends on their own interests.
  However, without imaginative literature, the formation of literature will become boring to people. Humans will be deprived of ability of imagination and innovation, which is harmful for their careers and our society. Can you imagine that people only read reports, news and other magazines which purely inform them that what happened and what the results were all day?  Imagination is the source of innovation. When human beings look back, they discover all great inventions were from the spark of imagination firstly. 
  Finally, as mentioned above, reading imaginative literature is an excellent method to develop young people's ability of imagination. The imaginative literature is able to stimulate college students' innovation.  For example, <Harry Potter> and <The Lord of The Rings> are very popular among young people. The books give them a free world without any constraints of traditional thoughts. In those worlds, people can imagine free. And even they have the abilities to write their own stories for the roles in novels. This uncontrolled imagination will be beneficial to their further growth.
  I concede that imaginative literature is not necessary to every college student. But people can't deny that reading them is beneficial to the development of innovation and help college students become well-rounded individuals. I fundamentally agree with the speaker. Colleges and universities should encourage their students to read imaginative literature.
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