GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:龙芸辉
Some people believe that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. Others believe that formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
本题讨论教育对人们思想的影响,题目认为虽然教育原本是要解放思想,但实际上却把思想和精神束缚了。此题改编于老GRE的ISSUE128 "It is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. In reality, however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free"和老GRE的ISSUE104 "It is primarily through formal education that a culture tries to perpetuate the ideas it favors and discredit the ideas it fears"可以相互借鉴。分析前首先要了解formal education的内容,其包括以下五部分:formal education包括:primary education、secondary education、higher education、adult education、alternative education、indigenous education。在分析的过程中,可以从人们对解放思想和精神的需求、教育设置的目的、正式教育的具体形式、正式教育对人们的正负面影响、解放或束缚思想和精神的具体行为等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举几个国家(例如:中国、美国)的教育制度以及内容,并对比这些制度的设置目的、具体方式、对学生思想和精神的影响以及效果。
回答: 中国:大班授课,固定的课程,主要由老师讲解 -- 目的:将知识传授给学生,让学生掌握一定技能 美国:小班授课,课程由学生选择,讨论、提问等形式相结合 -- 目的:培养学生的创新能力、交流能力和对学习的兴趣
2. 教育的目的是否是“解放思想和精神”,解放思想和精神对于学生、社会、国际以及教育本身的发展有哪些正负面影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 不完全是。 正面影响:为社会提供多样化人才,例? 负面:?
3. 现实情况下,正式教育培养学生的目的有哪些?给学生传递了哪些信息?这些信息对学生会产生哪些作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 1,传授专业知识 2,培养各种能力(创造力,合作能力) 3,为工作做准备 信息:告诉学生 学历是最重要的。产生一些不好的影响,变得功力,不考虑长远目标,只图眼前利益;使学生思维僵化,不懂得创新)
4. 教育中的哪些内容会起到解放思想和精神的作用,哪些内容会束缚思想和精神?请举例并简述。
回答: 解放:多接触各种观点,各个科目的知识,兼容并包,鼓励创新 -- 蔡元培时期的北大,美国大学五花八门的课程 束缚:应试教育,唯一的答案;不允许质疑
Although the criticism for education never ceased, saying that education restrains the way we think and takes away our imagination, I still firmly believe that the main purpose of education is and should always be to set free our minds and spirits. Unrestrained spirits can play a considerably important role in both each individuals and the society as a whole. It's terrifying to imagine what a person would be like without a free mind -- always acting according to what others say or do, forever obeying rules and conventions, never questioning, never creating, he would be more like a machine rather than an independent man. Indeed, it would be much easier for a government to dominate such obedient citizens -- it would receive nothing but support and no longer need to be worried about protests or revolutions. However, for a nation crowded with restrained minds and spirits, the only thing waiting ahead is disaster. Without creativity and innovation, development would cease.The nation would remain unchanged until it be destroyed by others or collapse itself. The Qing Dynasty of Chinese history is a good example -- the whole nation was ruined by its rigid governors and citizens. The free of mind, on the other hand, will bring prosperity. Great developments such as the Renaissance and the two Industrial Revolutions were all brought about by creative spirits.
No one, however, is born with free minds and spirits. Instead, we get them in the process of learning and mostly from education. We never hear someone say that a three-year-old child has a free mind, although the mind of a child at that age is certainly not restrained. That is because the free of spirits and minds means questioning existing conventions and coming up with new ideas. That process must be based on certain knowledge. No matter how innovative we are, we can never create something from nothing, instead we are "standing on the shoulders of giants" and building our own palace by questioning and improving. Great innovators, no matter what industries they are in, are mostly well educated in their own fields -- Da Vinci had learned drawing from Verrocchio,Newton was graduated from Cambridge, and most quantum physicists in the 20th century has studied in Copenhagen University. Education can teach us knowledge and methods left by ancestors,therefore arouse our innovation and free our minds.
I concede that nowadays formal education in some part of the world is not open enough -- getting good grades in exams become the main purpose at school, and students' minds are restrained. This situation, however, is improving, especially in developed countries. In the United States, more and more schools have introduced discussion, experiments and social activities as part of the formal education. Students are encouraged to question anything taught by teachers and are allowed to try their own ideas in laboratories. In this way, students' spirits are freed, and they are getting more and more creative through education. As for developing countries such as India and China, though education resources are limited, educators are still trying their best to introduce more discussions in classes and more choices for students. 
Free minds and spirits are important, for they are main sources of innovation and fundamental forces for development. More and more educators have realized the importance of freeing youngsters' minds. It is and should always be the main purpose of education. 

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