GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Javran
[Claim] Any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted, since it may well be proven false in the future. [Reason] Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]任何被称为事实的信息都应该被怀疑,因为它在将来很可能会被证明为是错误的。 [理由]大多数被人们认为是事实的信息结果实际上都是不准确的。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE239"Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate. Thus, any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted since it may well be proven false in the future"。题目讨论应该对信息保持何种态度的问题,题目首先给出一个判断(很多事实信息不准确),进而给出一个建议(因为可能是错误的,所以所有事实应都该被质疑)。分析过程中可以从怀疑在不同情况下对于不同类型的信息是否适宜及其利弊展开。需要注意题目给出的限定:“任何被称为事实的信息”、“将来很可能会被证明为是错误”。
1. 有哪些信息过去被认为准确却又被推翻了?在这过程中对信息的怀疑起到了什么作用?请结合具体历史事例阐述。
回答: 比如地心说推翻了原先日心说的观点,达尔文的进化论推翻了宗教关于神创论的观点 这些推翻的基础都建立于有依据,合理的怀疑,比如日心说的可以更好地解释许多天文现象,进化论提供了演化的思想,并被大量的证据所证实.
2. 对信息的怀疑精神会给人们带来哪些好处,过度怀疑有哪些不好?请举例并简述。
回答: 怀疑精神带来的好处:不迷信权威,自主思考的能力 过度怀疑不好的地方:不能为了怀疑而怀疑,比如科学上一些约定俗成的表示方式,这些是科学交流的惯例和基础,怀疑并没有起来实际的作用.
3. 能否因为有的信息被证明不准确就说明其他信息在以后也可能被证明有错,并去怀疑所有被称为事实的信息?这种对所有信息的怀疑会带来哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 我们知道现在被认为的"事实"确实足以解释各种科学现象,所以我们相信他的准确性,我们需要有依据的怀疑来证明一个所谓的"事实"的不精确性,而不是相信在未知的未来会有更完善的理论而停滞现在的研究.
I hold that inaccurate assumptions does not actually turn out to be wrong assumptions. Thus the statement that any piece of information is doubtful and should be mistrust might not be appropriate. In fact, we should first accept these plausible assumption before we can eventually prove or disprove them, and therefore we cannot mistrust assumptions until we can abandon it reasonablly.

We might not consider inaccurate assumptions as wrong assumptions, for these assumptions sometimes are deduced logically and capable of explaining several things: relativity theory does not displace classical mechanics since there are intrinsicly connected: in fact, some theory in classical mechanics is just a special case in relativity theory; we cannot mistrust all the idea of arranging chemical elements after the emergence of periodic table because both of them are based on a rational reason: to group elements by their chemical attributes. Thus it is doubtful to mistrust all assumptions that have proved to be inaccurate since they might be valuable to some extent.

If we mistrust any piece of information referred to as fact, we will make little progress since they might be the only basis we could depend on. There are many fields of study that require theories and research data made by previous people. For instance, to come up with astronomical theories, astronomer should integrate data that made by other people in history and observation collected by themselves, since it is unrealistic for any individual to collect data through a hundred and even thousand years. In addition, the law of conservation of energy, which is assumed to be true, cannot be proved despite of its worldwide use in science. Thus, sometimes we have no choice but to rely on previous assumptions.

Nor will we judge whether an assumption is accurate or not if we have chosen to mistrust it totally. Copernicus should first trust in geocentrism which enable him to find out the inaccuracy in that theory and thus come up with heliocentrism. Darwin, on the other hand, have to temporarily trust in the idea that god creates every creatures because it is the contradiction between his belief and the observation results he made that forces him to put forward Origin of Species to justify his own idea against common sense at that time. 

Therefore, to sum, simply mistrusting assumptions because of the possible inaccuracy in them does not suggest a responsible attitude. We should trust some assumptions partially because they are sometimes logical and even uncontroverted, because they might be the only basis we can depend on and because we will never know whether these assumptions are actually facts until we have made use of and evaluated it.
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