TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:小商商129
【IBT机经-33】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should work quickly and risk making mistakes or should work slowly and make sure that everything is correct?
1. 什么样的工作强调速度和效率?为什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 流水线生产 淘宝急着发货的 新闻 客户订单
2. 请结合具体事例说明哪些工作不允许犯错?错误会导致什么结果?
回答: 飞机什么的 机务检查不允许犯错 如果有错误的话会影响一飞机人的安全 医生不能犯错 工程师油气管道建设
3. 工作中什么样的错误是可以被原谅的?请结合实际简述。
回答: 一些小的无伤大雅或者是可以补救的错误 比如 会议时候印的资料少了 然后是计划书印错了。
4. 什么样的工作强调准确性?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 图纸 。特别是模具图纸和建筑图纸。标绘图案和数字不能有问题。 医生 对于血管的寻找 手术刀的切口 装饰 门安在哪里
5. 请结合实际简述,你认为正确的工作方式是什么?
回答: 不能一味的只顾效率不要正确率 也不能为了正确率犹豫太久。如果是可以追求准确性的当然要确保正确率比如上面说的。但是如果有容错的工作是可以适当的。稍微多一点效率的。比如流水线上的生产是可以有废品率的。
The development of the society specified our distribution of work.There exists many more work than about 100 years ago did.And each of us will find a work belong to our own .There raises the predicament .Some people tend to do their work quickly and thus they are easy to risk making mistakes,while others love to assure the quality of the work by checking and inspecting ,that will result in the lower efficiency . From where I stand,I would like to choose my path depending on the work itself instead of just do things in one style across the board.For some work and even some business,the efficiency and quickness are their life,for they depend on the quantities of product and the storage of the necessities.Take the bottling plants for example,they usually have more than one assembly lines .The demand of workers is always not highly educated and no limit on age. All they need to do is the ability to manipulate the machines .In that kind of work,the mistake is allowed,such as the broken bottle and the lost of the bottle cap.Therefore,as a worker in industries like this,effective and efficiency is the priority.However,like the doctors and the engineers who has to do very accurate works ,ensuring the work quality means a lot to both the users and the workers.Besides,some tiny error of the work may ruin the effort paid by the group or even leave unpredictable serious results.When someone gets ill,the anxiety of the patient and his family would push the doctor to make quick decisions and diagnosis .In that case ,if the doctor pursues just the quickness and come up with a rough judgement,or take some pills to cater the eager of the patient himself .That irresponsible behavior would do harm to the people's trust of hospitals in the long run.For myself,as a student in computer science,the way in which I often treat my software project is to take every line of codes serious.Usually after writing a function ,the reviewing thing will take place,which ,though seems to slow down the process ,do guarantee the quality of the work and lessens my subsequent efforts after programming.The more time I spend on checking the codes,the better the software becomes.In other cases ,depend on approaches and requirement,the treatment changes.Overall,works should be treated by their own features ,requirements and demands rather than how people like to treat them .We are now in a open era and should not stick to one idea about things.As said above,taking the advantages of both sides and using our own mind to analyze is a better way of dealing with the various works.
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