TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:李修竹
Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.
1. 你曾经或正在接受高等教育吗?你觉得它对你有什么影响?
回答: 我接受过大学教育,在接受高等教育的过程中我对整个行业以及专业的构造更加了解,并轻度进行实践。
2. 你觉得怎样才算是好学生?详细说明好学生的标准。
回答: 我认为好学生指的是拥有较高素质以及较高社会责任的部分学生群体。
3. 现在学校里有你认为不好的学生吗?你觉得高等教育对他们有作用吗?用事例支持你的看法。
回答: 我的学校中有一些学生我认为不好,我认为高等教育对他们起到一定的作用,比如我身边有一些同学他们拥有很好的家庭背景和学习条件,但是每次上课时他们都经常旷课,快到考试时就让自己的家人帮助自己找老师寻求帮助。
4. 社会上没有接受过高等教育的人,如果有再教育的机会,他们会有进步吗?举出具体的事例。
回答: 会有进步的,因为像著名的凡客诚品开创人陈云,在年轻的时候曾因为回家乡支教等原因放弃上大学,但是在工作之后发现自己的缺陷,于是通过努力重新接受高等教育,才有了今天的凡客诚品。
  Many people hold their opponions that the eaducation of colleage and university should be avalibale to all students.On the contary ,a lot of people recognize that only perfect students can higher educate achieve.  In my mind,I convinced the ideas which make every student could have a equalitive opportunity to go to university.  I have remebered the period when I was at colleage time,I have learned a big bulk of knowledge about my industry of administration,and it also act as a implement to help with my career projection.  what is the true meaning of GOOD?I think good students must have the protential to help the society developing and achieving their goal at the same time,so without the critetia of good student determin wich students could have the opportunity to have higer education is unfair.  Many students which are not good enough,but have a very gogerous idea,work step by step,then catching the chance to reproduce again,also become a good one in the world.  Although several great universities help the perfect students become the firm power of the society,but by working hard and achiving the education normally ,other students also be the good ones!  So I really belive that higer education are belonged to all the students.
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