TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Ilovebb
【IBT机经-20】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better to work with your own computer and telephone at your home than work in your company's office.
1. 自己的家有什么特点?家会给你带来什么样的感觉?请结合实际简述。
回答: 舒适,自由,应有尽有,专注,懒散。在家可以穿便装,吃东西,不用管坐姿,而且非常自在舒服,没有别人打扰。但同时也会走神,看一下电视,玩一下狗。
2. 办公室的功能是什么,它有什么特点?请结合实际简述。
回答: 办公,整洁,职业,紧张,严肃。工作地点所有人都在工作,会比较有气氛,而且在老板和同事的注视下,没有生活的自由,但是肯那个会更加专注于工作
3. 有人说在家工作很自由很舒服,你是怎么看待这种说法的,为什么?
回答: 是的。但是工作时候太自由舒服不好,应该职业一点,紧张一点,才能高效完成好巩固中欧。总体来说舒适懒散不适合工作,适合休息。
4. 也有人说办公室的工作环境可以提高人们的工作效率,而在家工作会很散漫,你同意吗,为什么?
回答: 同意。办公室有人监督,而且有工作气氛,装修,他人影响都会让人更专注与工作内容,而不是吃点东西,看啊看电视,放松一下。
5. 如果让你选择的话,工作的时候你是追求效率还是追求舒适度?请结合实际简述你的观点。
回答: 效率,只有完成好工作才能获得真正的放松和舒适。自由。否则心中总是不踏实,而且工作就是工作,要求我们计划总经理,有些严谨的工作很容易出错,必须专心才行。
People argued whether work at home is better than working in offices. However, I think work in a office is much better than doing work at home. 
Employees can be more effecient in the office. Offices offer prudent atmospher which makes everyone concentrate on their working stuffs. At home, people play with their pets and watch soap opera for awhile. Those attractions make employees difficult to concentrate on work. When students study in the library, they can save more time on their school work. 
It is convenient to discuss with collegues in the office. In the office, employees are surrounded by collegues and supervisors who are able to make suggestions for employees. Disccuss with people brings more spirits. It is said that the famous advertisment group, Ogilvy Co. has up to one meeting room for one team in their offices, which means they need to have lots of meetings, interpreting the the neccessity to work in office with collegues. 
Offices support people's work with needed documents and devices. With the development of technology, scientists are provided exquisite apparatus, which are only available in the laboratory. There is no doubt that scientists can only work in the office. Other examples like people who do high confidential work, like national secrete, there is no way to work at home. 
Addmittedly, work at home is quite attempting. Writers, artists, painters are rather work at home, due to their work nature which need to be relax and quite. According to a research conducted by Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST), 93 percent respondents claimed that home can make them feel most cozzy and relax. Peole who do creative jobs like freelance writers should work at home, common life may inspire their work. 
All in all, I agree that working in the office is better. 
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