GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem.
1. 一个研究者做自己感兴趣的研究有什么好处?有什么缺点?这些好处或缺点能对研究对社会的贡献造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 能产生更好的成果。可能与社会的需求不沾边。好处:用来解决社会问题。缺点:从某种程度上浪费了国家的资金。
2. 研究者会因为什么原因做自己不感兴趣的研究?这样做有什么好处?有什么缺点?这些好处和缺点能对研究对社会的贡献造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 可能因为经济利益的趋势,或是荣誉的驱使。好处是自己受益能为自己感兴趣的研究提供资金,抬升知名度。缺点:限制了研究的发展,阻碍了研究员向更广阔领域的探索。
3. 研究者的兴趣太少见有什么好处?有什么缺点?这些好处或缺点能对研究对社会的贡献造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 探索其他人没有踏足的领域,可能会发现的成果,引领另一场革命,进一步推动社会的发展。没有太多的东西可以去借鉴,依靠,研究的时间可能会非常的漫长,如果没能有什么成果,很可能损失了大笔的资金。
4. 除了兴趣以外,研究者的研究会受到哪些外界因素的影响(比如社会的刚性需求等)?这些因素哪些会影响到研究对社会的贡献?请举例说明。
回答: 人们的习俗和伦理。研究得不到人们的认同。
5. 研究者在社会发展过程中扮演了什么角色?他们的责任是什么?这些社会责任要求他们的研究必须满足什么条件?请举例说明。
回答: 推进社会进步的角色。解决社会上的需求,社会上的矛盾,问题。必须有益于人类的发展,而且要紧紧与人们的生活接轨。
  How to foresee the outcome of the research would make a great contribution to the society? Should we only support the research that will have a great contribution to the society, but not those researches that maybe unusual or idiosyncratic? The speaker thinks it's more important that scholars and researchers pursue their individual interest. I fundamentally agree with the speaker. As I see, this two kinds of research is same important, and it's hard to judge which is more important.
  People are unable to assess the factual outcome from a research. Even the target of a research is benefit to the society, we have to admit the possibility that research maybe abort in the midway due to technical problem or dearth of financial support. Even the initial target is to promote society forward, we have to admit many research outcome in return pose a potential threat to human being. In short, it is unable to draw a precise blueprint for the future of the research, let alone the contribution to whole society. On the other hand, some research may seem unusual and idiosyncratic at first sight. Actually it may be involved in infinite merit and lead a new trend in the whole world. Especially, many great researches are discovered accidentally. When Henning Brand wants to find a way to produce gold, he surprisingly discovers the element P. When Alexander Fleming researches bacteria, he discovers the penicillin unexpectedly. The value of the research is beyond our capability to predict, we cannot assume the unusual and idiosyncratic research has no use at all.
  People are apt to gain the achievement in their interest field. We cannot deny that the creativity originate from the interests. In that case, the creativity will bolster the researcher and scholar goes further, irrespective of the failure and difficulties. When the research is sink into the smog which is hard to move forward, the interest maybe the last strength for researcher to hold on. Apart of it, even though the interest of researcher and scholars may unusual and idiosyncratic, the achievement may have a great contribution to the society indirectly. The research of Sanskrit may seems has nothing to do with the society, but is the key to realize the relationship between the Indian culture and Chinese culture--the former has a great affect on the latter—which will help solve the contradiction between the two nations in the international affair and provide a vital material for the cross-culture communication. Sometimes the contribution to the society not contradict to the personal interest, the speaker is fail to see that point.
  At the same time, the concerning fields of research which benefit the whole society is also important for all of us. After all, the chief problem is the basic society problem. Without solving such problem, the promotion of our society is nonsense. As a researcher and scholar, the responsible for them is to solve the society problem and lead a bright future. Without Yuan long ping's research, people may still endure the pains of starving. Without the research of replaceable power, our life will go to the darkness in the end.
  In the final analyze, we should strike a balance between the two kinds of research. Their final target is actually the same. Without any contribution to the society, the research is failure in some extent. The cardinal distinction between them is the former one may have a clear target for the society and the latter is lack of such assessment. However we should not deny the value of the personal interest research, maybe the outcome will lead a new revolution.
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