GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.
1. 你身边有哪些问题是需要政府马上解决的?有哪些问题是可能会在未来发生的?请举例说明。
回答: 就业的问题,社会治安的问题,物价上涨的问题。交通瘫痪的问题,教育不合实际需求的问题。
2. 政府的职能和责任是什么?这些职能和责任需要政府解决什么样的问题?请举例说明。
回答: 政府最基本的职责是解决社会上的基本矛盾,促进社会的发展。现在发生的和潜在的问题。政府鼓励大学生创业,为了缓解就业压力的问题。政府实行单双号限行政策避免缓解交通的拥堵。
3. 目前存在的急需解决的问题具有什么特点?如果不解决会对社会、人民、政府造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 特点是影响力大,波及的范围比较广泛。会造成社会的不稳定,人民与政府之间的矛盾。比说就业的问题就是其中一个,金融危机导致了很多人失去了工作,无法正常的生活,政府如果没有很好的解决失业问造成人民对政府的不满。
4. 未来可能出现的问题如果预先解决有什么好处?会带来什么负担和压力?请举例说明。
回答: 会避免危机的发生,降低问题的影响效果。
5. 未来可能出现的问题如果现在不想办法解决,可能出现什么不良的后果?请举例说明。
6. 政府面临的社会压力来自于何处?这些社会压力会用什么方法来调节?如果政府不解决社会上存在的问题,会出现什么结果?请举例说明。
  The speaker asserts that governments should focus more on solving the immediate problem of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future. I fundamentally agree with the speaker, after all, the failure to solve the immediate problem efficiently will lead the fierce contradiction and bring the adverse consequence. Whereas people should also take a note of the fact that the anticipated problem will transform to the immediate problem if people leave them aside.
  The immediate problem means it has exerted a big influence to the whole society. If the government fail to take a quick action to solve, the range of jeopardize will expand and the degree will deepen. During the economical crisis, a huge amount of people lost their job and have to live a life rely on the living allowance from the government. The continuous slide of the economy incites the suspicious from the public about the capacity of the government. With the time stretch, the public will finally lose their patient to the government which evolves into the confrontation between the populace and government. Hence the immediate problem causes the lethal outcome if the government unable to manage it.
  On the order hand is the potential crisis of the anticipated problem. Such problem is the initial state of the immediate problem. If the government fails to pay attention to the jeopardy from such problem, the future work will surely embrace the measurement of dealing with such problems. One apt illustration to this point involved in the environment problem. Imagine the government takes no solution to prevent the damage of the pollution, the water, the food and the air we breathe every day may turn to be the poison to our body. Under such situation, people may have to take the antidote every honor and wear the gas mask avoiding exhale the poisonous gas. Until that time the government decides to take action, it’s hard to assess duration of the recovery. In order to impede such thing occur in the near future, most nation's government is engaged in protecting the environment.
  As a commen saying goes we should do the emergency thing at first and then do the important thing as a sequence to arrange our time which may seem have some merits in solving the society problem. But for a government the two problems should take a measurement at the same time. If the government only exerts all strength in solving the immediate problem, naturally authorities will sink into a vicious circle. The end treatment which mean the government take action only when the problem outburst cannot be thought a good solution. On the contrary, the effective solution should be considered as a precautious administration. However, the government is lake the ability to change the present situation, only in the future affair.
  In the final analysis, the speaker only take note of the consequence in the failure solving of the immediate problems but fail to realize the damage of the anticipated problem. Government should strike a balance in solving such problems, and take a shift from solve to prevent.
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