TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:想拍彩色照
Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences. Others like their lives to stay the same, and they do not change their usual habits. Compare these two approaches to life. Which approach do you prefer? Explain why.
1. 你喜欢一成不变的生活还是充满新体验的生活?详细描述你的生活属于哪种类型。
回答: 喜欢体验新的生活,现在属于一成不变的生活
2. 你喜欢什么样的新体验?为什么?你觉得总是体验新事物有什么问题吗?
回答: 与自己生活轨迹不同的事物。有,会让自己永远处于过于忙碌的状态之中
3. 你有没有一直保持的习惯?如果有,你觉得这个习惯有什么好处和问题?
回答: 有,好处是都会因为有规律的不会遗忘或没有做到。坏处是每天都的花时间去做
4. 你觉得生活稳定有什么好处和坏处?描述一个具体的事例。
回答: 稳定的好处是不需要迎接太多的挑战和变化,生活必须要为了改变了改变自己。坏处是会让自己变得的过于安逸。比如永远只在学校里学习,毕业以后上班就发现不会与人相处,任何事情都不会做了
As modern society develops,people will face more changes and challenges in our daily life.At this time change plays a more essential role in our life, and this is where the controversy arises.Some enjoy chance and believe  change can  look forward to new experiences. meanwhile,those who strongly disagrees with it cite that they enjoy leave their lives to stay the same and they don't like change their usual habits.From my own perspective, the prior one is more favorable.
The first reason I want to put forward is that change in our life can treat us how to deal with it and we can build our principle when we have in some troubles.The more change you face,the more sensible you are.In our surrounding changes happen everyday whether you like. From now on In my life I think I meet a lot of changes. Despite most of them are little, I have overcame them.So now I build my own way to immediately deal with change--calm and brave.I remembered I hold a match which is a speech competition every one could speak what he want to express. Well we still had teachers to gain the goal.It started at 2 p.m,but one of teachers was late as traffic jam.All the participators and audiences were waiting and anxious.When all workers were worried about it,I was a lead I tell myself to come down and I can find solution.Then I talked the student who managed video to take some background music and print main idea which competitors would to speak on the screen.20 minutes later the teacher arrived and we began the match. In the end it was great successful.
The second reason to prove the significance of change is that change can increase our experience. When he things happened before, you can quick adapt it.For instance my friend Mary never lived in dormitory until grade 10 as her school  was near her home.But when she went into grade 11 she needed to live in school since school was moved.At first it was too hard to sleep.She learned to get on well her roommate.A month later she got on well with every thing.When she went to university in another city,she blend into team quickly.the experience give me a full understanding of change.We can take it and also benefit from it.
Yet,each coin has two sides.While we are enjoying the superior aspect the change brought simultaneous it may also bring some negrtive effect. More change will lead more strain as we need pay more attention on how to deal with it and our brain is always pressing.
With all the reasons explained above it is apparent to draw the conclusion that is 'ss be more essential to enjoy change for it may benefit us not only in the present but also in the future.
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