TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Phoenix_239
Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.
1. 你喜欢自学还是有老师教导?为什么?
回答: 有老师指导。因为老师能够准确把握考试发展方向,能够看出你的不足,给你有针对性的建议;老师还可以成为你的心理医生,他们能够在你因学习劳累心理疲劳的时候给你建议并帮助你突破难关和瓶颈区;老师能够给予你正确的学习方法,让你少走弯路,授之以渔。
2. 你的同学喜欢自学还是有老师教导?为什么?
回答: 老师教导。因为他们都在学校里,习惯了学校的教育,甚至有些已经不会自学了。
3. 自学有什么好处?会遇到什么困难?
回答: 由于在自学的过程中你的竞争对手只有自己,因此可以充分的发现自己的不足,如懒惰、不扎实、对自己的弱点感到恐惧等,同时当自己一个人为了一个目标奋斗时,才曾够感受到真正的孤独与无助,所以如果在自学的过程中能够逐渐认识并纠正这些,那么你所得到提升的就不仅仅是你的学习技能,更是你的心理素质和意志力。
4. 有老师教导会有什么好处?会遇到什么问题?
回答: 老师教导不会让你感到迷茫,他会对你有针对性的建议和帮助,并及时发现你的不足,同时在你孤独和痛苦时帮助你走出瓶颈区。
5. 除了这两种途径以外,你还能想到什么学习的途径?具体描述一个。
回答: 先得到老师的建议,结合老师的建议和自己独特的情况自己制定学习计划并自学,定期向老师提问问题及汇报心理状态。
For most of us, trying to listen up on class, all while juggling homework which seems we will never put an end on them, sounds like a nightmare. But in many cases, studying with a teacher do help you learn more effective, that's why I prefer to learn with a teacher.
Teachers are those who are familiar with the assigned study points, they are astute about intentions which the examiner will test and adept at leading students to learn with a clear destination. However, as a student, facing to such various subjects and so many examinations, generally we have no idea about how and what to learn from them. That's means one of the major function the teacher exert is to help us establish our chief goal, discriminate what is compulsory and what is optional subjects, and teach you effectively what you exactly need, within such finite time.
Coincident with the significance of knowledge itself is the importance of study method. In China, there is old saying that "teaching to you fishing is better than giving to you fish ". In a way, teachers just like our parents who guide us how to walk, the objective is to let us know how to finish our journey without them. So, it is the studying method that teacher really should teach us, without them, we might spend a lot more time to explore and, off course, the studying effectiveness will considerably dropped down.
After accounting for the fact that teacher plays a conclusive role in our knowledge learning, acctually they also did mental help on our studying road. It is a common experience in people that persistently learning will lead to inevitable tiredness and loathing, and many time we need to take a rest or rearrange out plan because we have no ability to focus ourselves on studying any more. In fact, most teacher are good at inspiring their students when they exhausted and difficent, acting as a psychologist by dealing with students' mental problems and giving them appropriately psychological assistance.
Off course, I think everything have their double side. In our school, people are used to learning with teacher almost everything and everytime, so seriously that they have nearly no ability to learn something by themselves. And seriously, the ideal studying mode is that teacher teach us, help us, and gradually leave us, I think that is the purpose teacher does.         
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