GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
The purpose of many advertisements is to make consumers want to buy a product so that they will 'be like' the person in the ad. This practice is effective because it not only sells products but also helps people feel better about themselves.
1. 你会因为广告购买某种产品么?其中是否有出于让自己“像”广告中的人物的想法而购买产品的?如果不是,是出于什么原因购买的?请举例说明。
2. 消费者通常会因为哪些原因而在看到广告后购买某种产品?请举例说明
3. 哪些因素会让人自我感觉变得更好?这些因素中哪些会与购买冲动有关?你可以从人自身的角度和外界环境的角度来进行分析并举例说明。
4. 从心理学角度分析为什么消费者会产生“让自己像广告中人物一样”的想法。这些原因是否和消费者的购买欲望产生有关系?请举例说明。
The advertisement enacts a important role in the publicity of products which has been the vital way people get to know the products. The majority of people would like to believe the product with the ad to publicize is better than the one doesn't has. In that case, the qualification of the ad will deciede its destiny. I basically agree with the speaker that the purpose of enciting people to buy the product in order to be like the person in the ad is an effective way, not only sells products but also helps people feel better about themselves.
In today's society the judgment of the appearance is never able to quit in people's mind. Beautiful, element, faddish, personal etc. has become the target to people pursing in the whole life. Other people's plause has became the orininality of satisfaction and confidentatiion. Apart of it, the beauity as the nature tendency pursed by people spontanious from one generation to another all the time. Hence, anything that help beatify the apperance will recieve the admire of people. At the same time,  gasping this kind of phsychology of people merchant harness the advertisement to satisity the needs of people. In advertisement the model is always attractive and gergeous let people feel better about themselves if they use the product. For the product like shampoo, makeup, clothes etc, the beautiful model is always the leading role. No makeup will use the advertisment that full of the introduction explantation of its function, ingrement without any model in it presents its effect. Due to this reason, many company is willing to pay a huge amout of money to hire the star representing its product which strengten this belife even more.
The better feeling is like the poison insert in people's mind. They always appearce in front of people's eyes present the miraculous affect after people use it which  break the last defense line at the end let the imagination become the real action. Sometimes it just like a annoying children harry the people all the time, some people finally pay the bill part of the reason for geting rid of them despite they deciede not to buy it due to some unaccepted condion like the price at the outset. Under the enviroment of intense competition in current world, feeling better about oneself has become the essential way to increas the confidence to some people, no matter what the way is, people  will do anything they can to keep their heart bright and not to be defeated by others. From this point, the advertisement which will able to let people feeling better about themselves will make the merchandise finally win the competition among the similar product. And the advertisement mentioned above just achieve this point.
On the contrary, we should also see the other side of this type advertisement which will let its effectiveness be ruined totally. In behalf of more benefis the advertisement will exaggerate its funtion or effect, Once people find the huge distinction between the actual staff and the advertiment, their trust will drop to the bottom which will bring the fatal influence of the brand. The brand will not only lose a consummer, but also deprivate its honor. With the rapid development of todat's information age, those messages will be tranmited in a second, and the numbers of the people geting such information is myriad. Following the mainstream media's report, the company will even be procesuted. Therefor, those company have to think twince before decieding the content of advertisement, otherwise it not only will not enhance the sailing enhance but also be the evidence to cheat the populance.  
In the final conclusion, those advertisement that make people wnat to be the model will surelly reach the good result, but at the same time it is also the pointed sword will ruin the whole company. people have to alert about the outcome such advertisment mean to cheat consummer.
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