GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:jackhpko
The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines.
1. 你印象里英雄人物的特征都有什么?和问题二中核心特征有什么对应关系?可以结合实际的英雄人物简单分析。(TIME评选的二十世纪二十位英雄偶像:Muhammad Ali | The American G.I. | Diana, Princess of Wales | Anne Frank | Billy Graham | Che Guevara | E. Hillary & T. Norgay | Helen Keller | The Kennedys | Bruce Lee | Charles Lindbergh | Harvey MIlk | Marilyn Monroe | Mother Teresa | Emmeline Pankhurst | Rosa Parks | Pelé | Andrei Sakharov | Jackie Robinson | Bill Wilson)
回答: 勤奋好学,善于创新,不畏惧权威,勇于挑战艰巨的任务。他们的创新推动了社会的不断发展,而敢于挑战真理则让他们打破束缚,不会原地踏步。
2. 什么内容会成为一个社会的特征?你认为现代的中国社会有哪些特征?如果选择一个或者一类人去代表某一个特征,你会怎样安排?当代的美国社会呢?古代的中国社会呢?
回答: 勤劳,善良,团结,勇敢。现代的中国社会具有勤劳,团结的特征。美国社会:Washington-独立,自主,自由。古代中国社会:孔子-礼仪之邦,关羽-忠诚不屈。
3. 英雄人物相对于其他人有什么共性和个性?一个社会是如何挑选自己的英雄人物?请结合具体人物或事件举例并简单分析。
回答: 共性:好学,不怕吃苦,善良。个性:对不同事物或者困难挑战,敢想敢做,勇于创新。一个社会在发展过程中会处于不同的时期,会根据当时的社会环境选择具有它需要的品质的人作为英雄人物。比如中国动乱时期,毛泽东,周恩来等英雄人物辈出,这些人从小就有雄心壮志却又不乏善良淳朴,这是他们有能力,胆识去完成漫长而艰辛的革命战争。
4. 如果让你去接触一个陌生的社会,你会尝试从哪些方面去了解那个社会?从哪最容易获得信息?从哪得到的参考信息更多?从哪分析了解起来更容易?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 大到一个社会的政治,经济现状,小到最普遍的服务行业,从服务态度就很容易看出一个社会的特征。而从日常人的生活习惯能最多的看出这个社会的发展状态。
         Someone argue that the best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines.I think it's a good idea to summarize the character of a society but we should't only focus on heros but also look into other things.
        First of all I must say that heroes or heroines are representations of their society because of two reasons.One is that they have many good characters such as hardworking,kind,created.They can't be known as great people without these characters.The other reason is that they all contribute to their societes or their compatriot or the development of the contries.For example,Martin Luther King made America a better place without racialism,Lincoln brought peace and independence to America,Leifeng used his all life to help other people.We can say that society needs these people,needs their characters,that means the society also has these characters.
       Secondly,we should admit that not all heros can represent the society.Some great people are also as good as the heros wo know about,but they were failed in wars or some other trial,they were submerged in the mighty torrent of history.In some countries such as Germany,they admire people who can kill the most Jew and treat them as heros,but it's obviously that we can't judge the society only by these people.
       Thirdly,heros and heroines are a small part of people in the society,it's ex parte to decide the society's character only by these people.Our societies are made up of many things such as history,culture,polity,economy,service.It's also important to observe people's attitude in service or their daily lives because people's characters depends on how they treat their jobs and lives and the character of a society depends on most people's behavior.
       So based on above views,it's unscientific to judge a society's charactor only by the heros and heroines which the society chose,we should summarize it comprehensively.
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