GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:张佩尧
Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 录像机、电脑以及网络等科技发明为学校提供了哪些更先进的教学手段?请举例并简述。
回答: 电脑简化老师的板书,录像机可以提供更真实的例子
2. 相对于过去,在先进教学手段的辅助下,教师的讲课与学生的学习过程都发生了哪些改变?请举例并简述。
回答: 教师的板书变成了PPT;教师讲话有了话筒;学生在网上学习,上课,交作业
3. 先进技术用于教学对学生是否存在负面影响?比如:偷懒不记笔记、遇到问题不自己思考而是上网查、借用网络和电脑进行论文抄袭、用电脑不学习而是去浏览网站或玩游戏等。请举例并简述。
回答: 学生可能用电脑做一会作业就去玩了,上课不听讲,考前狂背教师的PPT,电脑有辐射
4. 对学生造成负面影响的原因是否要归咎于科技提供先进教学手段?哪些原因共同影响着学生不能进行真正的学习?科技在其中起到的是什么作用?
回答: 归咎于学生的懒惰。学生没有自制力,电脑游戏太诱惑。方便学习。
As the development of our technique, we invent many things to help us live better. We use computer to control many things, which makes people work safer. Through vedio, we record our lives even more vivid. Innovations bring us too much surprise. But after the astounding, we really need a thorough reconsideration on whether the innovations are good methods to intrude students.
Admittedly, I agree that innovation is a kind of crystal of human's knowledge. Thanks to the new inventions, we save a lot of time, and our lives become more colorful. We live a beeter life. For example, the students can have a more clearly vision because of the power point which work with computers and projectors. It also make it easier for teachers to prepare for their lessons, since type things can be far fastter. Computers are great innovations in the twentith century. Through a computer, tudents can get more infirmation more quickly. And it is convinient to use a computer while you are troubled with some bags. So, we can not ignore the advantages of innovations.
However, after a evev more thoroughly consideration, I find more and more disadvantages of using innovations to stydy. First of all, sometimes, the innovation can not improve our effiency, Because it is hard for us to concentrate on our homework while there is a fantastic basketball game online jusy right next to you. This is a temptation to us just as the toxic apple to Eve. Secondlly, traditional ways can help us learn things better. Since we do not try to get the shortcut. Instead of that, we do everthing step by step on our own. This a secreat to success. Lastly,  considering the radiation computers and vedio can give us, spending a lot of time studying with a computer is not a healthy way. According to a research published on the Jounral Science, computer can not only do harm to our health, but also slow the speed of our blood down, which makes our brain can not get enough blood and oxigen, and wich also means computer can make us more silly if we spend much time on it.
From what has been mentionde above, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion that we can not agree with the topic one hundred percent. Although innovations bring us much convinience, they are not very good tools for us to studying with.
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