GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:偏执狂.
Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 录像机、电脑以及网络等科技发明为学校提供了哪些更先进的教学手段?请举例并简述。
回答: PPT,老师不用在抄写板书上浪费时间。网络,不仅提供了师生课外的互动交流,还增进了资源共享。录像机,作为一个大学生,我可以在自家电脑上上耶鲁大学的课程。
2. 相对于过去,在先进教学手段的辅助下,教师的讲课与学生的学习过程都发生了哪些改变?请举例并简述。
3. 先进技术用于教学对学生是否存在负面影响?比如:偷懒不记笔记、遇到问题不自己思考而是上网查、借用网络和电脑进行论文抄袭、用电脑不学习而是去浏览网站或玩游戏等。请举例并简述。
4. 对学生造成负面影响的原因是否要归咎于科技提供先进教学手段?哪些原因共同影响着学生不能进行真正的学习?科技在其中起到的是什么作用?
Thirty years ago when my parents were in college, they rushly wrote down what the teachers had putting on the blackboard in class, and consequencely, they barely heard what the teachers had said, they just busy taking notes. Today, when I am in college, I listen carefully what the teacher has told me, and am able to clearly see their points and teaching content on the multi-media screen; after classes, I even can download their class vedios or PPTs from the Internet.
Innovations, especially scientific and technological ones, had brought a considerable revolution in education. Both students and teachers could enjoy the high-efficiency, convenience and much more opportunities from innovations. However, there are also a group of students who are lack of self-control willingness and only enjoy the entertainment part that the innovations provide.
When we compare modern education and the education in old days, not only can we find that the teaching method improved, but also the learning resources riched and learning channel broadened.
To begin with, innovations has brought us high-efficiency in education. As I mentioned at the begining, thanks to the innovation of applying multi-media in the classroom, nowadays teachers do not have to waste time on putting their teaching content on the blackboard, and students also do not have to busily taking down the notes, thus neglect the teachers' speech. Thanks to the innovation of computer as a vechicle for teacher-student-communication after class, today teachers can put their teahing plans and materials on the Internet for students to download, and also students could ask teachers questions on the Internet without going to the teachers' office.
Moreover, innovations provide education with much more convience than the past. At the end of the semester, I had a paper about linguistics, and instead of spending a whole weekend in the library like my parents used to do, what I have to do if I need resources and references is to google them, it only takes me a few seconds.
Besides, innovations fulfill students' eager for knowledge by building a large information platform for education. Take myself as an example, I am interested in psychology, and am willing to take introductory psychology courses. However, there are no psychology courses in my college. Thanks to the innovation of Internet and computer, for the whole summer, I could sited in front of my PC and took the introductory psychology courses in Yale through the Internet. Without these innovations, I could not even dream about that.
Yet, there are also few students who pay their attention only on the entertianment part of the innovations, therefore decrease their efficiency on study. Girls take the Internet for shopping and movies, boys drown on the online games. Nevertheless, we should not blame innovations for distracting these students from learning. On the contrary the origin of distraction is the students' disinclination for learning and the absence of self-dicipline.
While benefiting from the high-efficiency, convinence and more opportunites that the innovations bring to education, we should also be cautious of their disadvantages. What schools and colleges should do is not merely blame these innovations for distracting students, but to take efforts to improve students'  eager for knowledge, interests in learning and willingness to control their time for entertainment.
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