TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:吴尤
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你在学习中借助了哪些技术手段?效果怎样?
回答: 网络:利用网络学堂可以方便地在线与老师和同学讨论,分享课件和教学材料,也方便老师收取作业并及时反馈,高效;利用google搜索引擎能够找到非常多资料,快速比对,节省去图书馆的时间 数字播放器和便携电脑
2. 在技术的帮助下,学生的学习特点有了哪些变化?
回答: 高效,更为主动,互动性更强,视野开阔
3. 如果没有这些技术的帮忙,学生们怎样学习,效率怎样?
回答: 将用大量时间在基础工作,低效
After the the big bang of technologies, the ways to learn have got great changes. With the progression of technology, students could learn knowledge by the ways which have been more effective and wider.
First of all, Students can learn effectively. It's is easy to obvious that there are many innovations of technology that students can use as the tool to study, some of them even original designed for the students to improve there efficiency. For example, our university has a kind of tool which is something like the online study platform. We can use it to have a discuss with classmates and the professors wherever we are. We can also share the documents by upload and download at the platform in the short time. Another example is iphone. Probably even the Steve can't imagines that the iphone could be such powerful to change people's life, including their way to learn new things. As to me, I've been using the itunes to download the open courses and books,and then put it into my iphone. So that I can gain my knowledge during I take the subway or stand in the line. Therefore, with the help of the outcomes the technology brings to us, students can real save their time and complete their works more effectively.
Moreover, Students can grasp boarder knowledge. Nowadays, people can collect the useful information from many places. For instance, personally, I usually use the Google search engine to prepare my essay, In the past, I can only went to the library to find something I need. However, right now, I can just use the Internet to do the same jobs, even it would be further by search the resources from another University located in another city or country. I also want to say what I did by use the Youtube website. Owing to the numerable kinds of tutorial video there,   I can learn almost things what I want to. Whatever a new style dish of food or a health exercise. The information with the new ways to learn make students eyes open.
Although, someone would worry about that too much mess information would make students confused and they need time to distinguish the one real useful. But, in my opinion, that's also the good time to improve students' ability to make a choice. Moreover, compare with the merit which technologies bring to student, I insist suggest that technologies can make students learn effectively and earn wider knowledge. 
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