GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lhzm
Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE83"Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people"。题目讨论对荒地原始状态保持的问题,题目认为这种措施是“应该执行”的。在分析的过程中,可以从国家责任本身要考虑的内容、荒地原始状态的保持满足了哪些需求、荒地对人们生活的正负面和直接间接影响等方面展开思考。
1. 请结合具体事例分析:哪些荒地因为政府没有进行有效保护,给人们带来了负面影响;有哪些原始荒地因为政府的开发而带来了更多的价值?
回答: Inner Mongolia,草原没有保护,经过几十年的excessive grazing, soil erosion, environment pollution and etc都变成sand了;原本就是沙漠的地方,solar energy and wind energy 丰富,利用其发电可以促进清洁能源的使用,进而改善环境质量。
2. 对国家而言,处于原始状态的公有荒地存在哪些直接价值和潜在价值?可尝试从经济、科技、政治、军事、教育、文化等角度思考。
回答: 保护野生物种的多样性,对于生态系统的维持很重要,保持了原先古老的地质地貌,对地质勘探和科学研究都很重要
3. 除了保持荒地原始状态之外,国家还可以利用荒地进行哪些活动?这些活动的直接价值和潜在利益有哪些?可尝试从经济、科技、政治、军事、教育、文化等角度思考。
回答: 开发原生态旅游;进行一些不宜在人多地方进行的科学实验,如爆炸性的,有可能有辐射性质的等;安设备进行水利、风力发电;探测开采石油等;军事上的演戏等;这些活动可以带来可见的经济效益,让人们对这些环境有更多的了解等等
4. 对于的荒地,应该如何平衡开发与保持原状态的利弊?请结合以上分析做判断。
回答: 首先,不能够破坏其原有的生态结构,如不能捕杀小动物,不能乱砍滥伐,不能污染那里的水土等;其次,可以针对不同的荒地类型,做出不同的开发方案,发挥各自的长处,eg:在退化的草原上种植葡萄等经济作物,获得利益的同时保持了水土,在物种丰富地区进行科学实验,以观察类为主而不是控制其生态结构。同时,若是短期开发,应及时恢复其原貌。
5. 国家在保持公有荒地原始状态过程中的收益是否大于付出?
回答: 在保持的过程中经济上主要是支出,因为需要政府拨款进行各种维护,而利用之后将有巨大的经济效益,eg:开采石油;从长远利益来说,保护起来是好的,可以平衡生态,开发可能破坏其原有生态结构。
It has long been debated that whether commercial exploitation should be limited in the wilderness areas like the forest jungles, the wild mountains, and the deserted river banks. With the expansion of the cities and the boom of the population and thus the increase of the acquired resources, more and more approvals are released no matter how fiercely environmentalists protest. In ny perspective, I think most wild areas should be protected, especially those are vital to the ecosystem and the variety of the animals and plants, however, proper utilization should also be approved in the areas like the desert.
The essectial roles that most wilderness areas play on the ecosystem are often neglected by most citizens, for the influence are so miniscule and effect our earth in a long term. However, their function are important that if some of the areas are devestated, we humans may suffer a fatal disaster: take the Amazon rain forest as an example, it has been a kingdom of millions of plants, animals, insects and bacteria and functions as the largest regulator of our planet, but due to the deforestation and global climate change, the world's biggest forest has been diminished and facing a dangering situation. As a result, hundrends of animals died evey year and plenty of insects become extinct, which will inevitably damage the variaty of the organism and decrease the pool of precious genes. The same happens in the Inner Mongolia, where grassland are destroyed and the climate there are deteriorate year by year.
In fact, most wild areas shape the earth what it looks like now in their own ways and possess their own special part in the nature. Wildwood is usually home to a big verity of animals and plants and has the capacity to hold water, regulate temperature and prevent desert from expanding. Wild areas like the isolated islands and the inaccessible mountain areas are usually the ideal places for scientific researches for their insularity. If exploited, not only  the animals and plants may be disrupted, but the climate and the natural insularity are destroyed.
Although there are hundrens of reasons to protect such areas, to prevent any use in the remaining wilderness is also irreasonable. Because some activities in those areas are not necessatiry to damage the previous ecosystems there. For example, huge solar and wind energy resources present in most desert areas, and it will result little effect in the desert to construct several facilities there, compared to the vast areas of the desert and rare oganisms there. In addition, several destruction of the wilderness areas are not human made, like the forest fires, which may be resulted from the lighning, if the laws are passed and it will be ironic to protect the forest from the natural lightning.
Laws to preserve ay remaning wilderness areas are not necessary, but specific regulations to instruct the proper use of some essential parts of the areas may be published in consideration of their importance in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem and the severe results after they are destroyed. Which parts should be treated perticularly and how to enact these regulations awaits further studies.
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