TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:张天翔_923
Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你有没有觉得那些食物比以前更容易准备了?例如面条
回答: 饺子。过去人们想要吃饺子的话,只有自己亲自去做,包括剁陷,包皮等等,现在只需要去超市买速冻的,然后一煮就可以了,人们吃饺子变得更加容易了。
2. 这些食物变得好准备以后,给你带来了什么好处?
回答: 我们省去了准备食物的时间,这样就可以把节省下来的时间用到学习或者是工作上,或者仅仅是用来休息也是可以的。
3. 食物变得更好准备,有没有给你带来坏处呢?如果有,是什么呢?
回答: 人们慢慢地会忘记很多传统食物的做法,这样的话,很可能导致有些传统食物的做法会失传。
4. 人们的生活水平受到哪些因素的影响?尤其是跟吃有关系的有哪些?
回答: 首先是能不能吃得饱。然后是能不能吃得好。
As we all know, food is always an important thing in human's society. The method in preparation has developed a lot in the past centuries. With the rapid development of science and technology, food is easier and easier to prepare. Such change has a significantly positive influence on improving the way people live.
When it becomes easier to prepare food, we could save a great amount of time. For example, Chinese people have to spend quite a lot of time when they are preparing to make dumplings, which is very delicious. To make dumplings, numbers of steps are needed. So it is easy to understand why Chinese people do not eat dumpling often in the past. However, nowadays, people can buy dumplings sold in the supermarket. The producer has done most of the steps and all we need to do is just the last step, to boil them in water. People enjoy this very much because they are able to eat dumplings whenever they want. 
Furthermore, with the time saved from cooking, we could do a lot of others things. We will not need to spend to much time in the kitchen. In the past my aunt used to spend much time on cooking. She cooked breakfast and dinner for my uncle and my brother, which cost her a great amount of time. My aunt told me that she loved cooking, however, she did not like to waste so much time. Now, something is different. She bought a microwave oven, which makes it much easier to prepare food. My aunt loves cooking again. She really enjoys it. She has more time to do something else when she is cooking. 
However, every coin has two sides. We have no reasons to say that the easier of preparation of food is perfect. Since many things are already done by the producer and sold in the supermarket, people seldom know how they are done. As a result of that, the ways to cook some traditional food may risk being lost. Take dumplings for example, all only know how to water them, but do not know how to prepare, many years later, if dumplings are no longer popular and producer do not produce any dumplings, the ways of cooking dumplings may be lost.
All in all, although there are some drawbacks of easier food preparation, we have no reasons to say no to such change. The way people live does have been remarkably improved. Our lives are becoming more and more enjoyable.
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